6% of gas consumption in " rel="tag">Pays de la comes from renewable gas. – Info

6% of gas consumption in " rel="tag">Pays de la comes from renewable gas. – Info
6% of gas consumption in Pays de la Loire comes from renewable gas. – Angers Info

This Thursday, November 7, on the occasion of the 12th Methanization and Green Gas Business Convention in , Roland Marion, regional advisor responsible for the ecological and energy transition of the " rel="tag">Pays de la Loire Region, accompanied by Christophe Bellet, Deputy Customer Director for the Central West Territories of GRDF and Amaury Mazon, Central Atlantic Territorial Delegate of GRTgaz, presented the progress in the development of renewable and low carbon gases in the Pays de la Loire.

The biogas sector has just crossed the terawatt-hour (TWh) milestone in installed capacity for injection into gas distribution and transport networks. The opportunity to highlight the importance of renewable gases in the Loire energy landscape.

Projects are multiplying, providing concrete responses to climate issues. The renewable and low-carbon gas sector, driven by a common vision, is developing “with strength and consistency”, specifies the community. Today, the installed capacity for renewable gas injection into gas distribution and transmission networks exceeds TWh, the equivalent of nearly 6% of the region’s consumption in 2023.

The biomethane production capacity installed on the networks exceeds the TWh mark
This is equivalent to the annual gas consumption of nearly 170,000 average homes. As the Pays de la Loire Region points out, renewable gas is already a reality alongside other renewable energies such as wood energy, wind power and photovoltaics.

The Loire gas sector is now ready to accelerate the growth of renewable gases so that the Region can meet its ambition “positive energy region” by 2050, with an intermediate milestone of more than 20% renewable gas in 2030.



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