Trump foams: Jimmy Kimmel knows who will be his vice-president

Jimmy Kimmel is once again dedicating his late-night show to his favorite subject: Donald Trump. The host claims to know who his running mate and therefore potentially his vice-president.

Jimmy Kimmel is agitated over Donald Trump – and is once again attacking the ex-president.

YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel can’t help himself. He begins by informing that Joe Biden is going to the D-Day commemorations in Normandy – but immediately returns to his favorite subject.

“In 2018, Donald Trump infamously chose not to visit the graves of American soldiers in France because his hair should not be wet,” recalls Kimmel, recalling the same event six years ago. “And he called them ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ it’s not a joke. And this, even though the only thing he has attacked is Daniels.

The allusion to Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, caused the audience to boo, but the late night host raised his hands in defense. We must recognize one thing about Trump, he concedes: “In the morning, the ex-president broadcast something respectful.”

Sounds decent: Trump’s social message about truth for D-Day.

YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Trump pays tribute to D-Day veterans: They were among “the bravest, noblest, greatest Americans who ever walked the earth,” Kimmel reads in his Truth Social message. “They shed their blood and thousands more gave their lives to defend America’s freedom. They are in our hearts – today and forever.

“An old weirdo under fire”

That sounds good, but there’s a catch: “I agree with that,” Kimmel clarifies, “and I would have even been moved by it in a way if he hadn’t posted twelve hours earlier: ‘ What I experienced, no one has ever experienced! I was under siege!”

Trump's social message, posted twelve hours earlier.
Trump’s social message, posted twelve hours earlier.

YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

“Trump is in California tonight,” the 56-year-old host remains on the subject, whose show is taped in Los Angeles. The next day, the ex-president will travel to Beverly Hills to raise funds for his election campaign, he added: Entrance to the event costs $250,000 per person, Kimmel informs: “It “It’s not every day that you get the chance to take a selfie with a convicted offender who can’t control his gas,” he laughs.

The fact that Donald Trump remembers the lost trial for hush money can be read on the face of the 77-year-old man: The “old oddball” is so “under fire” that he is foaming at the mouth. lips, shows Kimmel from minute 4:25. “We are getting our country back on November 5, 2024,” says the New Yorker, so angry that he spits.

“Poor Melania”

“Oh my God, this is not something I ever have to watch again,” Kimmel shakes himself, only to quickly add: “I think I have to watch this again.” The clip that follows, with repetition, slowing down and enlarging the scene, doesn’t really make your mouth water. “Poor Melania,” Kimmel texts again afterwards.

Foaming at the mouth: Donald Trump.
Foaming at the mouth: Donald Trump.

YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Late Night USA – Understanding America

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50 states, 330 million people and even more opinions: How can we “understand America”? To keep an overview without getting caught in fire, you need a lighthouse. The stars of “Late Night” offer one of the best navigation aids: They are the perfect pilots who mercilessly point out the underbelly of the country and the people, and serve for our author Philipp Dahm as a comic compass for the state of spirit of the American soul.

It’s not about embarrassing Trump, Kimmel adds, “even though I like it.” The whole thing rather testifies to the incompetence of Trump’s team, which posted the clip online despite its unsavory nature.

This leads the Late Night host to discuss US media reports that the field of candidates for vice president has narrowed to four. “They’re all men,” Kimmel said. “According to rumors, the four are…”.

Who will be Trump’s vice president?

“…Florida Senator Marco Rubio…” At minute 5:20, a clip from 2016 is broadcast, in which Rubio asks Trump, amid laughter, a “con artist”: “This guy put a bankrupt casino. How can a casino go bankrupt?

“…Ohio Senator JD Vance…” In the following clip, the latter declares: “I am never Trump. I never liked him.” Vance has also previously called this “idiot” “nuisance” and “reprehensible.”

“… North Dakota Governor Doug Bergham …” He explains in the interlude that he does not want to do business with Trump. “We are judged according to the society in which we engage,” he explains.

I think we have a winner»

“…and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott,” concludes the presenter, referring to the carousel of candidates. What Scott said about Trump? He even told him to his face, as can be seen from the sixth minute: “I simply love you,” Scott submits to the ex-president in front of the cameras on January 23. “I think we have a winner,” exclaims Kimmel.

“Don’t let these guys be ashamed – we have it on video,” says the father of two. “At least Tim Scott has been sipping his A**** since day one. The rest are such spineless, helpless, crawling slugs. I’m just surprised Ted Cruz isn’t on the list.”

Kimmel adds that Trump is now banned from 37 countries due to his conviction and that his firearms license has been revoked in New York. “It’s pretty crazy that a guy can’t have a gun, but he can have a nuclear weapon. It’s like your parents saying: you can’t have a puppy, but if you get good grades, we’ll buy you a werewolf.



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