6 people arrested at Walk with Israel event, Toronto police say – Toronto

6 people arrested at Walk with Israel event, Toronto police say – Toronto
6 people arrested at Walk with Israel event, Toronto police say – Toronto

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Toronto police say they arrested six people at a pro-Israel march on the weekend.

The annual “Walk with Israel” event took place Sunday amid increased security and protests along the route.

Police say the people arrested range in age from 22 to 75.

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One of the accused is alleged to have displayed anti-Semitic messages and is charged with public incitement of hatred.

Police allege another of the accused threw an Israeli flag on the ground and stomped on it, leading to an incident in which officers had to separate him from demonstrators.

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He’s also been charged with public incitement of hatred as well as resisting a peace officer.

Another has been charged with assault after allegedly bumping into a woman wearing a keffiyeh and holding her child on purpose, causing her to stumble.

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One of the accused was due in court Monday and the others have hearings scheduled in July.

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