man indicted for “racially motivated” murder

man indicted for “racially motivated” murder
man indicted for “racially motivated” murder

If the suspect admits to having killed Angela Rostas, he denies having targeted her. The mother was shot in the chest on February 22, when she heard a noise outside her mobile home in Chenex (Haute-Savoie). Despite initial investigations, investigators did not gather enough information to arrest a suspect. In February, five tracks emerged. The most likely would be a racist hate crime, as Angela Rostas’ family’s mobile home has already been set on fire twice.

“Haute-Savoie does not like you”

Angela Rostas lived on a market garden’s plot with her husband and their three daughters, which was not to everyone’s taste. The Roma community of this village would also have been the victim of harassment via letters indicating in particular “Haute-Savoie does not like you”.

It was not until June 4 that the investigations bore fruit. A group of five individuals from Haute-Savoie were taken into police custody, although they had already committed violence against the Traveler community. HAS Viry, (Haute-Savoie) caravans grouped together at a reception area had been targeted by gunfire, no residents were injured.

Searches carried out at the suspects’ homes led to the discovery of the rifle that killed Angela Rostas. On June 8, one of the accused, aged 26, admitted to having shot the forty-year-old “while denying having deliberately touched the victim”, reports the Annecy public prosecutor, Line Bonnet. A second suspect aged 30 confessed “having left the shooter with his rifle at the scene of the crime” before recovering it. They were both remanded in custody on the evening of June 8.



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