ASSE found better than McCourt, OM will hallucinate

ASSE found better than McCourt, OM will hallucinate
ASSE found better than McCourt, OM will hallucinate

Hungry for sport, he grew up to the sound of Formula 1 engines and the exploits of Ronaldinho. Today, with a Master’s degree in sports journalism, he no longer misses an F1 Grand Prix or a PSG match, his two passions and specialties.

It’s now official, ASSE has passed under the Canadian flag with the takeover of the club by the Kilmer Sports group which belongs to Larry Tanenbaum. The businessman, little known in Europe, is however very established in Toronto where he has proven himself with NBA and MLS franchises. So much so that for Bernard Lions, his investment capacity is stronger than that of Frank McCourt at OM.

For several days, theASSE officially changed ownership with the takeover of the club by the Canadian group Kilmer Sportswho belongs to Larry Tanenbaum. The businessman, although little known in Europe, is far from being an amateur. And for good reason, he already owns two franchises in Toronto, namely those of the NBA and MLS. A situation which makes Bernard Lionswhich follows theASSE for the newspaper THE TEAMvery optimistic for the Greens since he sees Larry Tanenbauma man more powerful than Frank McCourt.

“A fortune which is equivalent to three times that of McCourt in Marseille”

Several people were supposed to come at the start, including Mr. Pagliuca who is in the majority at Atalanta Bergamo. And in fact, they didn’t really get along. This is why Larry Tanenbaum created Kilmer Sport so that the structure would 100% own ASSE. There are no 3/4 shareholders like Mr. Textor at OL. I am extremely confident. The club is saved financially by people from the world of football and by a fortune equivalent to three times that of McCourt in Marseille », he promises on the channel’s microphone YouTube Red Cardbefore adding a layer.

“Gazidis is oversized for ASSE”

As a suburban president (Jean-Michel Aulas) said, Gazidis is oversized for ASSE. I remind you that he is a founding member of MLS, CEO of Arsenal for 9 years and in Milan where he put everything back together in three years after the title of Italian champion. This is an incredible and indisputable sporting achievement. », adds Bernard Lions.



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