Pension reform, and “Port Mort” day in Nantes – Saint-Nazaire

Port of Nantes-St Nazaire 44

Credit : Sofia Martin

More than 700 dockers and port workers from Loire-Atlantique responded to the national call this Friday, June 7, for an operation “Dead ports“. In Nantes, strikers burn tires to alert drivers taking the Pornic road, south of the city. They are contesting the 2023 pension reform, which was not supposed to impact them, given the arduousness of their work . For dockworkers, the retirement age is now 60 years old instead of 58 years old. The CGT 44 deplores a lack of words from the head of state Emmanuel Macron. “We expect from this day of demands that Macron will keep his commitments. He promised that we would not be affected by the pension reform and he took us two years like everyone else, this is not normal.

“We know that our life expectancy in ports is reduced by eight years with all the asbestos we eat.”

The issue of this day “is to show the government that if it believes that we are not capable of restarting and going on strike again”, he is wrong. “We will not stop, we will not forget and we will show the government that we are capable of being united and united in France. We know that our life expectancy in ports is reduced by eight years with all the asbestos we eat lead etc. That’s why we absolutely want to leave before, with our tough jobs we want to leave faster!”

This “Port-mort” day brings all port traffic to a standstill.

A next day of mobilization is planned for June 13 (then June 21 and 25), walkouts also expected by the end of July.



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