Mbour – fight against floods: community initiatives to ensure well-being and a healthier living environment

Mbour – fight against floods: community initiatives to ensure well-being and a healthier living environment
Mbour – fight against floods: community initiatives to ensure well-being and a healthier living environment

The inhabitants of the Zone Sonatel district, in the South-West part of the commune of Mbour, have, in a community spirit, taken the initiative to fight against flooding and runoff, for well-being and a framework of sanitized life. Indeed, yesterday, they made embankments by dumping 30 trucks of rubble on the clay sites, a real paddling pool in winter.

According to Jeanne Ndione, their spokesperson, these initiatives are taken with the aim of allowing mobility in the neighborhood during the rainy season. Thus, contributions made it possible to collect 900,000 francs from the inhabitants of the district, the price of 30 trucks of rubble. Residents of the neighborhood are worried about flooding on the eve of the winter. They regret the deaf ear of the municipal authorities, despite multiple requests.

In addition, El Hadji Amadou Wade, the president of Stade de Mbour, came to their aid, paying for the services of a mechanical excavator at a cost of 200,000 francs. The latter invested in the area, installing poles and electric lamps.

As a reminder, the Sonatel zone has a Middle School (CEM), a nursery and a public primary (elementary) school, not to mention a chapel. The Sonatel area is the watershed of the lagoon “The Mballing”. The National Sanitation Office of Senegal (Onas) has built works there to partially relieve the populations. A drain grate captures rainwater to discharge it towards the sea.

Samba Niébé BA



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