who is Nawel, Mohamed Amra’s partner?

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Elodie GD

June 3, 2024 at 5:42 p.m.

The profile of Mohamed Amra, nicknamed La Mouche, has been questioning since his evacuation from a transfer van on May 14. A fatal attack, during which two prison guards were killed. Since then, the investigators working on the case have started listening to recordings captured in the detainee’s cell, as well as in the visiting room, where a 27-year-old Marseillaise regularly visited him.

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Mohamed Amra tries to obtain weapons of war from prison

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Escape of Mohamed Amra: the fugitive sought to obtain weapons of war from prison

Nawel, the devoted companion of Mohamed Amra

Mohamed Amra’s ultraviolence is no longer a secret. The recordings from the fugitive’s cell prove it, he was ready to do anything to make his business prosper. Even to kill. An exercise in which he willingly indulged, with the help of accomplices, but also of his partner. A certain Nawel.

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In 2023, the young woman often visited him at the Santé prison in Marseille. There, she pretended to be his sister, which gave her the opportunity to speak with him in the visiting room. But not only that… Once again, the recordings have spoken. And they revealed that young Nawel was in reality the detainee’s partner.

The investigators knew this thanks to their exchanges, but also thanks to the “expeditious coitus” which they engaged in during these interviews.

Mohamed Amra: who is his girlfriend Nawel?

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Mohamed Amra escape attack in Incarville van

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“On the Quran of Mecca, Wallah, you will respect me”: unpublished listening in Moham’s cell […]

A meeting marked by lies

Now incarcerated, the young woman tells the story of a tumultuous love story. A romance punctuated by deception, lies and manipulation, in which it quickly becomes evident that Nawel is ready to do anything for her partner. Even covering up evidence of a murder and hiding a corpse.

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She met him four years ago. At the time, the young man claimed his name was Yanis. The first lie in a long series. In fact, she is still unaware that the object of her fantasies is a delinquent and that he is expecting a child with another woman.

Destruction of evidence and concealment of corpse

Despite everything, the years pass and Nawel remains faithful to him. In 2022, Mohamed Amra is arrested with the identity papers of the young woman’s brother. Some time later, she rents an Airbnb at his request. Location in which they find themselves The Fly and his commando, who plan to kill a competing trafficker.

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Once the misdeed has been committed, Nawel is responsible for burning the victim’s clothes. Even worse, she offers to shelter his body at her workplace. In short, she is ready to do anything for the man she loves. In the meantime, the fugitive is still on the run. He is wanted in France, but also abroad, where the police are ready to apprehend him if he is spotted there.

Mohamed Amra fugitive

Escape of Mohamed Amra: the detainee’s sister comes out of silence
Escape of Mohamed Amra: the detainee’s sister comes out of silence

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