Flow, firefighters… Five figures on the extraordinary floods in Morlaix on June 3, 2018

Flow, firefighters… Five figures on the extraordinary floods in Morlaix on June 3, 2018
Flow, firefighters… Five figures on the extraordinary floods in Morlaix on June 3, 2018

1974, 1995, 2010, 2013… Morlaix (Finistère) has experienced several episodes of flooding during its recent history. But that of Sunday June 3, 2018 remained in people’s minds. Here are five figures to realize the extent of the facts six years ago.

Read also: IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Morlaix under water: 6 years ago, a storm of rare violence flooded the center


During the night from Sunday to Monday, firefighters intervened 250 times in the town of Morlaix, to evacuate people or carry out clearing, pumping operations… Monday June 4, 2018, more than 60 interventions were still necessary to evacuate the ‘water.

The floods of June 2018 fortunately caused no casualties.

37mm in 3 hours

On June 3, 2018, 37 mm fell in… three hours, compared to an average of 60 mm in a month. Rainfall is measured in millimeters per square meter: on a flat surface, one millimeter is equivalent to one liter of rain.

A flow multiplied by 12

Before the storm, the flow of the Queffleuth was 3 m3 per second. An hour and a half later it was 38.3 m3 per second.

600 tons

After the washout of the Morlaix – Roscoff railway line, near Sainte-Sève, an embankment site was necessary to secure the municipal road which passes above and which had been closed since the floods. The embankment was done with 335 m3 of materials, or around 600 tonnes.

Nine municipalities

The decree of the Official Journal of July 5, 2018 formalized the state of natural disaster (CAT NAT) for 5 municipalities: Locquénolé, Morlaix, Pleyber-Christ and Sainte-Sève.

On July 27, the municipalities of Plougonven, Plourin-lès-Morlaix, Saint-Martin-des-Champs and Taulé joined them. The decree recognizes the consequences of flooding and mudslides.



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