Condemnation of Trump: what if he was the big winner?

Condemnation of Trump: what if he was the big winner?
Condemnation of Trump: what if he was the big winner?

In any other democracy, Western at least, the conviction of a former head of state, whatever the offense or crime he committed, would have been hailed on all sides as the perfect expression of what a successful separation of powers can achieve. With an independent justice system that is not afraid to put politicians back on the right path.

But the United States is not just any democracy. And Thursday’s conviction of former President Donald Trump is not necessarily good news for Americans. Certainly the judgment was rendered by a jury composed of 12 independent personalities. But the pro-Trump people, the very ones who invaded the Capitol the day after the election of Joe Biden, are being reinforced in their craziest conspiracy theories, according to which American justice is under the thumb of the Democratic clan.

In fact, no matter what decision the jury made, Trump inevitably won. A conviction ? This is an exploitation of Justice by the Biden clan. A dismissal? Proof, for the Republicans, that the current president is ready to do anything to prevent his rival from regaining the White House. In the end, the biggest mistake made by Justice was undoubtedly to want to hold this trial before the elections at all costs.



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