Donald Trump criminally convicted in the United States, the billionaire will appeal

Donald Trump criminally convicted in the United States, the billionaire will appeal
Donald Trump criminally convicted in the United States, the billionaire will appeal

It’s historic. For the first time, Thursday May 30, 2024, a former American president was found guilty at his criminal trial. Donald Trump has been on trial for six weeks in New York in a case of hidden payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, to try to keep him quiet about a sexual relationship that they had in the past. After two days of deliberations, the twelve jurors unanimously declared Donald Trump guilty of all 34 crimes of falsification of accounting documents.

The sentence will be pronounced on July 11, four days before the Republican Party convention who must invest the 77-year-old billionaire, as candidate of the American conservatives. Even if he is sentenced to prison, this verdict will not prevent him from running for president.

Donald Trump will appeal “as soon as possible”

Leaving the courtroom, the man who over the course of a decade had turned American democracy upside down described himself in “innocent man”, castigating a trial “rigged” which would be a “shame”. Defiant, he assured that the “true verdict” would fall on election night, before heading to his Trump Tower. He must hold a press conference this Friday during the day. His lawyer has already announced that he would appeal “as soon as possible”.

“No one is above the law”reacted for its part the campaign team by Joe Bidenwarning that only the “ballot” will ensure that Donald Trump does not return to the Oval Office. In theory, the former president faces up to four years in prison, possibly accompanied by a fine. But the judge could also impose a suspended prison sentence, or even community service.

Trump accused of four criminal cases

Five months before the election, the consequences on the vote are difficult to predict. The verdict falls in the middle of the presidential campaign, while looming the first debate between Donald Trump and Joe BidenJune 27.

Since 2023, his indictments in four separate criminal cases and his three civil convictions did not prevent him from win the primary hands down of his party. Donald Trump describes his legal troubles as “witch hunt” orchestrated by the Democrats.



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