Accused of attempted murder, suspect released for delays in procedure

Accused of attempted murder, suspect released for delays in procedure
Accused of attempted murder, suspect released for delays in procedure

the essential
Indicted for attempted homicide in La Ville-Dieu-du-Temple, in Tarn-et-Garonne, David D., 55, was released after eight months of detention, due to delays in the investigation.

Indicted for attempted homicide in La Ville-Dieu-du-TempleDavid D., 55, was released on Thursday May 30, 2024 from the Beausoleil remand center in Montauban where he had been incarcerated for eight months.

This decision follows a new request for release made by his lawyers before the Investigation Chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal. Before the court on May 28, President Corinne Chassagne and her assessors were sensitive to the arguments put forward by tenor Édouard Martial and his associate Me Victor Casellas.

After having repeatedly requested the investigating judge for their client to be questioned or confronted with the other parties, they received a dismissal due to the absence of the official magistrate.

A delay in the processing of files was pointed out by the delegate of the magistrates’ union, the vice-president of the Montauban judicial court, Virginie Baffet. She indicated to The Dispatch that a third of the files of cabinet 2 of the instruction center did not include any act of investigation due to the fact that the Montalban court found itself deprived of five magistrates of the seat on January 1, 2024. Pointed to the magistrates of the Chamber, this argument made fly.

“Once again this highlights the shortcomings of education in Montauban, the principle of freedom must be respected,” insists Me Victor Casellas. In his conclusions, the lawyer also notes that his client’s “intention to kill” is not characterized.

This would be proven by the use of video surveillance recordings from the supermarket. The ballistics expertise would also corroborate that he was not the author of the shot during the brawl.

“Therefore, the elements established by the judicial investigation against our client cannot be considered as serious or consistent evidence allowing him to be kept in pre-trial detention,” concludes Me Casellas.

The Chamber therefore requested the release of David D., placed under judicial supervision with the obligation to report once a week to the Seysses gendarmerie, in Haute-Garonne, with the ban on going to La Ville- God-of-the-Temple.

A gunshot hit the front of the Intermarché

September 19, 2023 in the Intermarché parking lot during a “crossing of arms”, a fight between two families belonging to the Traveler community breaks out.

Before the store closed, this violence had caused turmoil among customers; a spray of pellets fired by one of the defendants had accidentally hit the front of the business.

Confused by witnesses and the sign’s video surveillance, David D., the children’s grandfather, returned to his vehicle to retrieve a 12 gauge hunting rifle which he loaded with two cartridges.

He took aim at his ex-son-in-law before being disarmed by his brother. It was during this maneuver where the two men grabbed each other that the shot was fired towards the store.

It is also for these facts that this father of four children was indicted and placed under criminal arrest warrant on September 27, 2023.



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