Alan Brncic top scorer of P2B: “However, I missed some crazy things!” assures Croatia captain Wandre (+ full ranking)

Alan Brncic top scorer of P2B: “However, I missed some crazy things!” assures Croatia captain Wandre (+ full ranking)
Alan Brncic top scorer of P2B: “However, I missed some crazy things!” assures Croatia captain Wandre (+ full ranking)

Croatia Wandre may have finished the 2023-2024 championship in 5th place, but it is in its ranks that we find the best gunner in the series. Her name ? Alan Brncic. The one who shook the nets 20 times this season finished alone at the top of the scorers’ ranking ahead of Marvin Van Melsen (Espoir Minerois), Gilles Conraads (Dalhem), both authors of 19 goals.

“Honestly, at the start of the season, I didn’t think too much about the scorers’ rankings” smiles the Wandruzian right flank, domiciled in Fexhe-Slins. “Besides, at the break, I was a few lengths behind the leaders. And then gradually I came up and there, I got involved in the game. I was checking whether Van Melsen and Conraads were scoring or not. There was the risk that they would pass me again since in the last five matches I have not scored!”

“My father sometimes gives me little advice”

Planting 20 roses while not playing a real leading role remains a great performance. “But without pretension, I could have been at thirty. I really missed out on some crazy things! (sic). However, I’m not going to lie: this status of top scorer in the championship is despite everything a small pride” adds our interlocutor, whose surname is synonymous with memories within Verviers regional football.

And for good reason: Alan is none other than the son of ex-pro Drazen Brncic. “He gives me advice when he has the opportunity to come and see me play but it’s cool: he doesn’t bother me too much. And then he’s very busy with his role in Tubize” continues the 26-year-old young man who has been playing under the Croatian grid for five seasons already. Even the requests linked to his status as top scorer did not change his mind. “To tell the truth, I wasn’t that much in demand because I quickly announced that I was staying at Croatia Wandre. Well, afterwards, some coaches sometimes made one or other allusion to me in a tone of voice. humor after the match but I’m not leaving. I feel good here.”

Especially since a new and major challenge awaits the Croatians during the next exercise. The Rouge et Bleu of ex-Aubelois Michaël Mager obtained their ticket for P1 via the final round. “We are a little in the dark regarding our objectives within the provincial elite. The club wants to strengthen itself because P1 is tough. It is only once the core is complete that we will be able to define our real objectives…” Alan Brncic hopes to shine again, while being aware that the first provincial will be more demanding than the P2B, obviously.


2023-2024 season

20 goals: Alan Brncic (Croatia Wandre).

19 goals: Marvin Van Melsen (Minerois), Gilles Conraads (Dalhem).

18 goals: Graziano Ferraioli (Houtain-Milanello).

17 goals: Dominique Salimou (Trois-Frontières).

16 goals: Benoit Closset (Herve), Damien Busarello (Croatia Wandre),

13 goals: Ryan Smits (Croatia Wandre), Nicolas Alessi (MCS Liège).

12 goals: Jonathan Roggemans (Welkenraedt), Boris Corman (Welkenraedt), Juan Gerits (La Calamine B).

10 goals: Grégory Quodbach (Welkenraedt), Jordy Dardenne (Warsage), Florian Magnée (Saive).

9 goals: Alessandro Sangiovanni (Trois-Frontières), Eladio Ramirez (Battice), Gérald Gaillard (Minerois), Thibault Lang (Richelle B), Maxence Hougrand (Battice),

8 goals: Sandro Frugaborsi (La Calamine B), Samuel Schurgers (Minerois).

7 goals: Sean Reale (Minerois), Julien Galère (Warsage), Romain Romero-Cervera (Warsage), Bastien Brasseur (Warsage), Ugo Dantinne (Houtain-Milanello), José Masset (Trois-Frontières), Corentin Plom (Minerois), Thomas Binot (Richelle B), Nicolas Carlier (Welkenraedt).

6 goals: Pierre Kever (La Calamine B), Antoine Lenaerts (Aubel B), Pierre Xhonneux (Aubel B), Alexandre Diaferia (Aubel B), Anas Zougar (Richelle B), Benoit Henrotay (Warsage), Thomas Vanderbeck (Warsage).

5 goals: Julien Gerrekens (Trois-Frontières), Benjamin Thomsin (Minerois), Guy Wathelet (Blegny), Marcel Pirnay (Trois-Frontières), Basile Dantinne (Houtain-Milanello), Fabrice Lindemann (Warsage), Eric Ram-pen (Trois-Frontières) ), Rojhat Aslan (La Calamine B), Sam Sylla (Richelle B).

4 goals: Alexandre Bury (Croatia Wandre), Cedric Lanckohr (Richelle B), François De Zorzi (Olne), Maxence Daniels (Houtain-Milanello), Jérôme Roche (Saive), Sami Fadli (Blegny), Yannick Krafft (Aubel B), Julien Halkin (Olne), Rudy Lemaire (Saive), Kilan Hogie (Houtain-Milanello), Faton Rexhepi (Battice), Florent Compère (Blegny), William Adam (Dalhem), Alessandro Lespes (Dalhem).

3 goals: David Ljubic (Croatia Wandre), Theotim Tomasovic (Croatia Wandre), Clément Beckers (Aubel B), Antonio Merola (Richelle B), Arnaud Godard (Saive), Calogero Esposito (Minerois), Tom Douhard (Herve), Jérémy Levaux (Blegny ), Mateo Ceccano (Herve), Sean Reale (Minerois), Ruis Jacinto (Welkenraedt), André Carrein (Blegny), Valentin De Jaeger (Dalhem), Kevin Botero (Richelle B), Pierre Goblet (Croatia Wandre), Marek Pawecz ( Richelle B), Quentin Kreusch (Saive), Lucas Janssen (Battice), Arnaud Winandts (Battice), Alfredo Da Silva (MCS Liège), Lucas Duthoo (Aubel B), Emile Larue (Trois-Frontières), Antoine Amory (Herve) , Simon Dohogne (Aubel B), Bryan Ballois (Minerois), Gregory Reuter (Richelle B), Arthur Bougnet (Dalhem), Olivier Nsakala (MCS), Valentin Piparo (Trois-Frontières), Régis Lonneux (Dalhem), Rayane Benbalit ( Saive), Esteban Sorbian (Saive), Mohamed El Aouzmani (Blegny), Ludwig Leclercq (Minerois), Din Cviko (Trois-Frontières).

2 goals: Clément Poumay (Dalhem), Romain Nyssen (Richelle B), Hugo Gilon (La Calamine B), Nathan Baumans (Aubel B), Romain Palmieri (Richelle B), Bryan Droeven (Croatia Wandre), Gilles Bemelmans (Minerois), Jaali Kabangu (Battice), Tiziano Fiore (Olne), Benjamin Marlet (Aubel B), Mathias Thomma (Blegny), Ugo Ledda (Richelle B), Maxime Limbourg (Herve), Colin Blezer (La Calamine B), Abdoul Kader Traore (Houtain- Milanello), Theo Andre-acola (Saive), Xavier Mostert (Saive), William Spits (Aubel B), Bruno Wyialika (Olne), Yassin Labyad (Battice), Bianke Chabaloua (MCS Liège), Ibrahima Faye (MCS Liège), Lionel Giustizieri (Battice), Thomas Beckers (La Calamine B), Elvis Masovic (Warsage), Maxime Colpin (Warsage), Ibrahim Fofana (MCS Liège), Julian Gaillard (Minerois), Christopher Jeanne (Blegny), Simon Smets (Battice) , David Smets (Battice), Luca Decortis (Saive), Philippe Hanoset (Croatia Wandre), Adrien De La Cruz (Herve), Léni Meessen (La Calamine B).

1 goal: Antonin Gillard (Olne), Marvin Lenz (Olne), Mael Legros (Olne), Jonathan Schmitz (Aubel B), Bilal Dridi (MCS Liège), Quentin Antoine (Blegny), Luca Warnotte (Houtain-Milanello), Bradley Mobi (La Calamine B), Julien Godard (Saive), Bryan De Lamotte (Saive), Quentin Noel (Olne), Xavier Lejeune (Herve), Cyril Philippens (Richelle B), Islam Jashanica (MCS Liège), Raphael Burguet (Trois-Frontières) , Gregory Nizet (Etoile Dalhem), Tristan Errens (La Calamine B), Olivier Degueldre (La Calamine B), Samuel Gioia (Saive), Hugues Nols (Aubel B), Romain Renardy (Trois-Frontières), Romain War-notte ( Houtain-Milanello), Jean-Yves Colling (Minerois), Baptiste Krauth (Trois-Frontières), Brandon Bodson (Dalhem), Nicolas Gerrekens (La Calamine B), Simon Rouffa (Richelle B), Alexandre Diaferia (Aubel B), Mehdi Ameur (Aubel B), Alex Casa (Croatia Wandre), Franklef Kamba (MCS Liège), Jack Raia (MCS Liège), Anthony Lino (MCS Liège), Christophe Convolbo (MCS Liège), Quentin Verhust (Herve), Kevin Leonard ( Houtain-Milanello), Jacques Ciammaglichella (Battice), Louis Lemaire (Blegny), Emile Larue (Trois-Frontières), Walid Khalid (Saive), Adolphe Onana (MCS Liège), Nikita Marique (Herve), Maxime Tecqmenne (Olne), Melvin Lafalize (La Calamine B), Christopher Spano (Richelle B), Matteo Castiglione (Richelle B), Thomas Amata (Trois-Frontières), Nathanael Kamalandua (La Calamine B), Nicolas Lennertz (Welkenraedt), Thomas Launoy (Welkenraedt), Samet Bulgay (MCS Liège), Antoine Lonneux (Herve), Loic Delaire (Trois-Frontières), Hugo Leclou (Blegny), Martin Finck (Aubel B), Boris Hungs (Herve), Arthur Diederen (Warsage), André Carrein (Blegny ), John Gatez (Trois-Frontières), Julien Dewez (Herve), Dimitri Hoven (Saive), Mohamed Diallo (Aubel B), Guillaume Crenier (Houtain-Milanello), Sacha Leclercq (Blegny), Sven Biermann (La Calamine B) , Bastien Thewis (Richelle B), Co-rentin Willem (Aubel B), Gaetan Bresolin (Houtain-Milanello), Rémy Baltus (Aubel B), Jan Rompen (Welkenraedt), Martin Selak (Croatia Wandre), Bastien Halleux (Richelle B ), Tom Marthus (Richelle B), Julien Lejeune (Saive), William Lennertz (Aubel B), Alexis Dumont (Aubel B), Tahir Sabitov (Welkenraedt), Tom Schreurs (Welkenraedt), Benoit Simon (Richelle B), Noa Maes (Houtain-Milanello), Loic Bec-kers (Saive), Guillaume Royen (Olne), Thibaut Hagelstein (Trois-Frontières), Johan Flagothier (Welkenraedt), Florian Heydens (Warsage), Sive Mbuaki (La Calamine B), Benjamin Pirard (Olne), Freddy Lopange (Richelle B), Mohamed Anounou (Minerois), Jerome Lucasse (-Milanello), Yassine Charef (Aubel B).



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