a successful first edition for the Lacanau Alps Open

HASn the middle of the pine trees, under a light breeze and a blue sky, it is the ideal weather to play golf or admire the swing of professionals. Florian and Inès chose the second option. Before relaxing at the beach for their penultimate day of vacation in Lacanau, the couple from Dunkirk visited the Ardilouse golf course which has been organizing its first professional competition since Thursday May 23, and not the least: the Lacanau Alps Open, a new stage of the Alps Tour, a men’s golf circuit which serves as the third European division.

This Saturday, May 25, is the last round of the tournament. “It was perfect,” smiles Florian, who has been playing golf for five years. “We are not used to seeing this type of event at home and it allows us to discover the area. » Further on, Robert and Annie quicken their pace. “There is a very good one who will start there. » They are regulars on the course, they live just behind. “We can walk around freely, see high-level professionals for free. It’s a chance to see them here, where we play regularly. »

Inès and Florian, on vacation in Lacanau, came to admire the European players before taking a trip to the beach.


“Beautiful show”

“There are impressive scores and a great show,” confirms Alexis Marchives, director of UGolf Lacanau. In total, 144 players from 16 different nationalities are present at the tournament and 47 at the start of the third round. All are professionals except a few amateurs. “For the most part, they are rookies [joueurs disputant leur première année dans une division, NDLR]seeds of star”, analyzes Hervé, member of the golf course.

Alexis Marchives, director of UGolf Lacanau.


“We had checked the date on the calendar for a while, my husband and I followed the three days”

On the 18-hole Canaulais course, we also observe golfers with great experience such as the French Julien Quesne and Damien Perrier who have reached the European Tour, the most important professional circuit in Europe.

After a rather calm morning, at 1 p.m. there is excitement around the 9e hole. Around sixty spectators follow each stage of the last game played by the top three in the ranking: the French Louis Darthenay and Antoine Auboin and the Italian Marco Florioli. Many in the audience are amateur golfers and carefully observe the techniques. “I have just taken up golf and I am learning a lot through mimicry,” confides Charlotte, a young Canaulaise.

Around sixty spectators followed each stage of the final part of the tournament.

Around sixty spectators followed each stage of the final part of the tournament.



Hélène, from Toulouse, sandwich in hand, doesn’t miss a beat. “We had marked the date on the calendar for a while, my husband and I followed the three days. » This retiree who started golf four years ago appreciates the proximity with the players. “Normally, we see them on TV and now we’re almost friends. Yesterday, a Dutchman even jokingly told us that we could have kicked his ball to put it back on the green. »

Hélène, originally from Toulouse, followed the days of competition.

Hélène, originally from Toulouse, followed the days of competition.


A great success for this first edition which brought together around 200 visitors per day and promising prospects since the Canaul stage is renewed for two years.


The competition was won by Antoine Auboin, followed by Louis Darthenay. The Englishman Mason Essam, the American Brandon Kewalramani and the Dutch Vince Van Veen shares third place. At the end of the 16 stages of the circuit, the first five will advance to the Challenge Tour.



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