LIVE – Budget 2025: “I don’t want him to draw a 49.3”, says Manuel Bompard on TF1

The examination of the revenue part of the 2025 finance bill begins in the National Assembly this Monday.

Debates which promise to be tense, with numerous measures arousing hostility from the oppositions, but also from certain government supporters.

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As the budget review begins this Monday evening in the National Assembly, here is a very useful glossary to understand and master all the terms of the debate.

Published today at 11:01 a.m.


Published today at 10:38 a.m.




Will the government be obliged to use 49.3 to have its budget adopted, Minister of Budget and Public Accounts Laurent Saint-Martin was asked this morning on BFMTV. “Allow me to be totally democratic and not, while the debates have not started, to tell you whether the debates should be stopped or not. I do not want that. I want the debate to take place”, he assured. “That the government text is amended, modified and that there are changes, yes. This is the life of institutions,” he added.



The president of senators LR Bruno Retailleau
Posted today at 7:39 a.m.


“I think we need to nationalize Opella,” said this Monday on RTL the president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly Eric Coquerel (LFI). “Why? We see that medicine is not a good like any other, which can be subject to market interests, short-term actions. We must ensure that we depend on sovereignty over essential medicines. therefore we need a public medicine center to ensure that we have the medicines necessary for the health of the French.”



The Finance Committee will soon be responsible for holding hearings to try to understand ’s budgetary slippage. Who will need to be interviewed? “We must question those responsible. Bruno Le Maire is one of them since clearly there was a desire to hide the truth for electoral reasons, since there were European and then legislative elections”, estimated Manuel Bompard, LFI deputy, this morning on TF1. The government had “the elements which made it possible to say the deficit was plummeting. They did not say it because they were afraid of being heavier at the time of the elections”.



The NFP will table this afternoon a motion for prior rejection in the National Assembly on the finance bill, the examination of which begins in the evening. “We are filing this motion of rejection to say that the budget initially presented does not suit us,” Manuel Bompard said on TF1. On the other hand, the left has little advantage in it being voted on since if it is, it will go directly to the Senate in the government version and would avoid Michel Barnier having to draw a possible 49.3.



“I don’t want him to draw a 49.3,” said Manuel Bompard on TF1, speaking of Michel Barnier, who does not rule it out.

La France insoumise and the New Popular Front continue to reject the budget as written by the government, which records 60 billion euros in savings via 40 billion in reduced spending and 20 billion in new tax revenue. “The draft budget proposed by Michel Barnier will fall on all French people, produce a lot of suffering, produce a lot of difficulties in our public services but what’s more, it will be a blow to our economy. So it We have to completely change our logic and this is the demonstration that we made in the Finance Committee,” said the MP for Bouches-du-Rhône. The Finance Committee had amended the text by also proposing 60 billion euros in savings, but with a greater share of tax revenue.



The pharmaceutical group Sanofi confirmed on Monday that it was joining forces with the American investment fund CD&R to potentially cede control of its subsidiary Opella, which markets Doliprane. “We must block the sale. We have a possibility, it’s called the Montebourg decree, that is to say we refuse to allow strategic sectors to pass under the American flag,” said the national coordinator of La France insoumise Manuel Bompard this morning on TF1. “And we must open the construction site of a public medicine center, because the medicines which are essential to treat French people must not be goods on which we make profits.”



This Monday at 9:30 p.m., the deputies will begin the examination in session of the “revenue” part of the 2025 finance bill. They will work from the text written by the government, the version reworked and amended in the Finance Committee having been rejected SATURDAY.

Deputies and government settle their accounts: Monday begins in the hemicycle the examination of the “revenue” part of a 2025 state budget with 60 billion savings, and whose flagship measures will come up against a wall of opposition, even certain supporters of Michel Barnier. The Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, will be present there from Monday evening to defend this project which he says he knows “shared by the majority base of the National Assembly”.

It is on the basis of the government’s initial text that the deputies will debate, after the rejection on Saturday in the Finance Committee of the “revenue” part of the 2025 budget, largely modified compared to the initial copy. Nearly 200 amendments were adopted, considerably upsetting the financial balance of the text.

The La France insoumise group has prepared a motion to reject the government text. The left denounces a “austerity budget”but could also find it in the interest of the debate not to be interrupted by the rejection motion, in order to achieve victories in the hemicycle as it did in committee.

The deputies of the National Rally will, however, not vote on this motion to reject the left, announced the group’s deputy president Jean-Philippe Tanguy on Sunday, almost certainly burying its chances of adoption.

The editorial staff of TF1info




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