“Bardella lives up to it”, “A great prime minister”… Each camp satisfied with the performance of its champion

“Bardella lives up to it”, “A great prime minister”… Each camp satisfied with the performance of its champion
“Bardella lives up to it”, “A great prime minister”… Each camp satisfied with the performance of its champion

At the end of the debate which confronted the president of the RN and the Prime Minister, Marine Le Pen praised the performance of Jordan Bardella, the “only one to defend the French”.

Two weeks before the European elections, the debate was expected. The reactions too. At the end of the confrontation between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella Thursday evening on France 2, both camps came away satisfied. On the side of the Macronists, the head of the majority list Valérie Hayer welcomed a “great prime minister” Who “faced” a contradictor having shown his “incompetence, its lies, its postures”. A congratulatory message which was accompanied by another a few moments later.

The head of government having joined the campaign HQ, the candidate expressed, with supporting photos of complicity, her “French and European pride in serving (their) country, together.” “To want the best for the French, together.” The official campaign account “Need for Europe” also mocked “the crass incompetence of Jordan Bardella and the RN”. On the RN’s flagship proposal on migration, on which the nationalist was put in difficulty, campaign director Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade explained that“In a few seconds, we went from a double border with controls everywhere to… nothing?”

Within the RN troops, we also praised the level of their headliner. “I thought that Gabriel Attal would try in this debate to rise to the level of his responsibilities as Prime Minister but also of the enormous challenges facing France. Missed”, mocked Marine Le Pen. For the leader of the RN deputies, “the height was on the side of Jordan Bardella, alone to defend the French.” As for the deputy from the North Sébastien Chenu, he applauded the performance of the party boss with the flame “faced with a prime minister who is avoiding his disastrous record for our country.” And to add: Jordan Bardella is “the only candidate embodying hope, sincerity and solidity”.

In addition to the strategists of the two debaters, the other candidates shared their disapproval. And their refusal to be locked into a nationalist-European duel. “What happened is the line of a fairly deep democratic crisis which ultimately reveals itself in the staging that we witnessed,” mocked the head of the LR list François-Xavier Bellamy on France 2. “What makes it possible to organize the confrontation between these two people? Is it the polls? In this case, we had to at least invite Raphaël Glucksmann”, he continued. For the rebellious Marie Toussaint, the debate resembled “a contest of lies on ecological and social issues and a friendly match on immigration.”



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