A Ukrainian journalist who takes drugs live? It’s an editing

A Ukrainian journalist who takes drugs live? It’s an editing
A Ukrainian journalist who takes drugs live? It’s an editing

A video viewed several million times on X (formerly Twitter) appears to show a duplex journalist on Ukrainian television taking a substance through his nose. But this video is a montage made from a duplex from February 2024. The scene was not broadcast on Ukrainian television.

Verification in brief :

  • Since mid-May, numerous accounts on X and pro-Russian Telegram channels have broadcast a video in which a Ukrainian journalist consumes cocaine live.

  • But this video, which was never broadcast on the 1+1 channel, is a montage. The video of the alleged journalist was superimposed on a sequence originally broadcast on February 17, 2024 on air, which is confirmed by the comparison between the two videos.

  • In the original sequence from February 17, the Ukrainian journalist interviewed Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in duplex. The minister, who thought he was not live, was mocked for smoking a cigar during this interview,

The verification in detail:

Did Ukrainian television miss a “huge dumpling”? Since mid-May, several accounts on X have in fact claimed that a journalist from the Ukrainian channel “1+1” is taking drugs live.

In this thirteen-second sequence, a television is in fact filmed broadcasting a duplex. The presenter on the left seems to be waiting for the journalist on his right to speak. The latter, who seems not to realize that he is live, is seen making a gesture that suggests taking cocaine.

Read more on Les Observateurs – France 24

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