Letter of the day: plea for the bicycle

Letter of the day: plea for the bicycle
Letter of the day: plea for the bicycle

Plea for the bicycle

To lose weight, there is also !

Letters from readers

Published today at 3:42 p.m.

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Grand-Lancy, October 18

In its October 7 editionthe “Tribune” highlights the most effective sports for losing weight. Where it goes wrong, the author, while noting some physical activities allowing you to burn calories, forgot, for obscure reasons, the bike, even though it figures prominently in the original list of these sports.

However, the advantages of cycling, compared to other sports, are obvious. Among its main assets, it combines business with pleasure with its speed four times faster than walking. This allows you to travel quickly to your place of work or for leisure. At the same time, it brings health benefits to its users. Cycling is also easy on the joints. More than twenty scientific studies have demonstrated a very significant reduction in cardiovascular risk factors through regular physical exercise, such as daily use of a bicycle*.

Thanks to the electric bike, many people are rediscovering the little queen and exercising again without realizing it. All that remains is to improve and extend the network of cycle paths to bring people who still fear for their safety to this mode of transport. Ultimately, we will succeed in reaching the rate of bicycle use in the Netherlands.

Patrick Wehrli

*read the “Tribune de Genève” of June 26, 2013, “Le coup de rant du Genevois”, signed Dr Pascal Chatelain, cardiologist


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