Is the Rematch series realistic about chess? A Grand Master responds

Arte recounts the historic duel between chess champion Garry Kasparov and the artificial intelligence Deep Blue in Rematchan excellent series in 6 episodes. But is it really realistic? Marie Sebag, Grand Master of chess, analyzes several extracts from this new Arte production for Numerama.

“Checkmate!” » While everyone knows this formula, few people can boast of having actually put it into practice, several times, on a dedicated set. Marie Sebag is precisely one of this small handful of chess Grand Masters, recognized for their impressive mastery of the game.

For Numerama, she agreed to analyze the little sister of Queen’s gameon Netflix: the series Rematchavailable for free on the Arte streaming platform. We follow Garry Kasparov, world champion, as he faces the artificial intelligence Deep Blue in 1997 in six historic games. SO, Rematch is it the best series ever produced on chess?

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The series Rematch Is d’Arte realistic?

For Marie Sebag, who responds in our reaction video, Rematch East “a fairly realistic series” since, unlike Queen’s game on Netflix this time, “there are no chessmen on the ceiling, there are real chessmen and we can concentrate on the game. We see that chess players remain human above all”.

In the series, Garry Kasparov practices several times, and analyzes old games of Deep Blue to prepare: “What’s good is that he manipulates, he redoes the games. We’re not going to calculate thousands of moves in advance either, but we’re still going to have to play on the board beforehand, see what happens and practice. »

Kasparov, facing his chess game, in Rematch // Source: Leo Pinter/Arte

Marie Sebag still regrets that the champion is alone, in these moments of preparation: “There was a whole team of backups behind him, especially since Kasparov was very surrounded. He wasn’t alone in redoing the games like that. For example, at the time of Bobby Fischer, in the 1960s, this was much more the case, because chess was still less known. But in the 1990s, it started to really become a sport and become quite popular. So we had backups, coaches behind. »

Finally, the chess Grandmaster emphasizes that, during the duels shown in Rematchthe players talk a little. Gold, “in a game, we don’t discuss! Even if there is a friendly side that we ultimately don’t see too much in the series. In chess, there are people we have known for 20 or 30 years, we grew up together, so we know each other. Even though we are rivals on the chessboard, we are also friends in life. »

Rematch // Source : ArteRematch // Source : Arte
Source : Montage NumeramaSource : Montage Numerama

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