The Stéphane Bern prizes awarded by Archduke Karl of Austria and Brigitte Macron to the Institut de France

This Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine was in Paris, with Brigitte Macron and Stéphane Bern, to present one of the two prizes awarded annually by the foundation of the famous TV host and specialist in crowned heads. A prize is awarded to a project promoting history and another highlighting heritage. A favorite prize was also awarded. The ceremony took place at the Quatre-Nations college at the Institut de France.

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The Stéphane Bern Foundation Prizes presented in a high place in French history

This May 21, 2024, the large meeting room of the Institut de France once again welcomed distinguished guests, invited to attend the award ceremony of the Stéphane Bern Foundation for History and Heritage. The foundation was created in 2016 by Stéphane Bern, allowing him to strengthen his well-known involvement in the history of France and its heritage. The foundation is headed by the Institut de France.

The Quatre-Nations college welcomed lovers of history and heritage this Tuesday, May 21, 2024 (Photo: Histoires Royales)
Stéphane Bern, Brigitte Macron, Christian Reid, Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine and Princess Yasmine Murat under the gaze of the statue of Corneille, in the meeting room of the Institut de France this May 21, 2024 (Photo: Histoires Royals)

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The Institut de France is an institution founded in 1795 to bring together elites from different fields so that they can perfect their scientific, literary or artistic work. The Institut de France includes the five major academies including the Académie française and the Académie des beaux-arts, and is home to several foundations including that created by Stéphane Bern.

Xavier Darcos, chancellor of the Institut de France, delivers the inaugural speech of the session (Photo: Histoires Royales)

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Presentation of the Stéphane Bern Foundation Prize for History and Heritage at the Institut de France

This Tuesday, May 21, the Collège des Quatre-Nations welcomed guests from the Stéphane Bern Foundation, which was organizing its annual awards ceremony. The foundation awards two prizes, one for history, the other for heritage, during a solemn ceremony in the large meeting room of this building built in the 17th century, according to the wishes of Cardinal Mazarin to open a college for gentlemen. It was in 1805, at the request of Napoleon I, that the Institut de France moved from the Louvre to settle in the buildings of this former college.

The awards ceremony took place in the large meeting room, decorated with statues of great French men of letters (Photo: Histoires Royales)

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Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine rewards the author of a book on Charles V

After an introductory speech by Xavier Darcos, former Minister of Labor and current chancellor of the Institut de France, Stéphane Bern gave a speech. His love for culture, history and heritage is clear. “Culture and heritage are the solid foundation on which a democratic society to which we are all attached can prosper”declared Stéphane Bern. “For many years, I have continued to point out in every tone that a people without history, without memory, is a people without a future.”

Prince Joachim and Princess Yasmine Murat at the Stéphane Bern Foundation awards ceremony (Photo: Histoires Royales)

Several ambassadors, senators, members of the jury, relatives of the winners and members of the Institute attended the event, also in the symbolic presence of Corneille, Lafontaine and Molière. Prince Joachim and Princess Yasmine Murat, prince and princess of Ponte Corvo, were present. The heir to the Murat House and his wife attach great importance to the history and heritage of France. Princess Yasmine is notably president of the French Radiation Association.

Princess Yasmine Murat in discussion with Christian Reid, wife of Archduke Karl (Photo: Histoires Royales)

The heritage prize was presented by Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine, current head of the Austrian imperial family. Archduke Karl was accompanied this Tuesday by his wife, Christian Reid. The grandson of Emperor Charles I of Austria presented the William Frantzwa Prize for his work entitled “The broken dream of Charles V 1525-1545: a universal empire? “.

Archduke Karl was called to give a speech on his ancestor, Charles V, to which this year’s laureate dedicated his book (Photo: Histoires Royales)

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The book is of great interest to Archduke Karl, the main subject of which is his ancestor. Charles V is an illustrious member of the Habsburg family who reigned in the 16th century over an empire stretching from Spain to Bohemia, including Austria, Hungary, southern Italy, Burgundy and the territories of present-day Belgium and the Netherlands, without forgetting the Spanish colonial territories.

Albéric de Montgolfier, senator of Eure-et-Loir, Stéphane Bern, Guillaume Frantzwa and Archduke Karl of Austria (Photo: Histoires Royales)

Archduke Karl, during his presentation of the laureate, underlined his attachment to his ancestor and their common interest in European construction. The head of the imperial family cites as proof that Charles V was the fifth sovereign of the Order of the Fleece, an order of which he is the current sovereign. The Archduke returned to the desire of Philip the Good to create an order at the service of Europe, acting as the first European institution. Subsequently, Charles V admitted into the order knights who were none other than the European sovereigns of the time, from his first chapter which he held in Bruges in 1516. “The European dimension of the emperor is found here”insists Archduke Karl.

Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine and his wife continue discussions with the winner of the book on Charles V (Photo: Histoires Royales)

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YannTouCourt awarded an award

A jury’s favorite prize was awarded to Yann Bouvier for his book “Microcosms – The history of France on a human scale”. This is the first time that a comic strip has been awarded a prize from this foundation. Yann Bouvier is a historian, professor and author, also known on YouTube and on social networks under the pseudonym YannToutCourt. The illustrations in the book are the work of Eloi Chevallier.

Yann Bouvier, aka YannToutCourt, gives his acceptance speech after being chosen as the jury’s favorite (Photo: Histoires Royales)

The history prize was presented by the wife of President Emmanuel Macron. Brigitte Macron presented the prize to the association Les Amis de la Camera delle Lacrime. La Camera delle Lacrime is an artistic duo composed of singer Bruno Bonhoure and director-researcher Khaï-Dong Luong. The prize particularly recognizes the project “Circum Cantum, a history of the Middle Ages through songs”.

Brigitte Macron delivers the congratulatory speech to the Friends of the Camera delle Lacrime association (Photo: Histoires Royales)

“Circum Cantum” is a series of educational videos produced to understand knowledge about the Middle Ages through a sensitive experience. This series allows you to learn the history of Louis IX, the Royal Palace or Charlemagne’s horn through educational videos.

Albéric de Montgolfier, Stéphane Bern, Brigitte Macron and the Friends of the Camera delle Lacrime in front of the Institut de France (Photo: Histoires Royales)

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Medieval songs under the dome of the Institut de France

The awards ceremony concluded with a final speech from the guests. After the ceremony, the guests of the evening were asked to join the college dome. The event ended with some medieval songs performed by Bruno Bonhoure, one of the winners.

The event continued under the dome of the Collège des Quatre-Nations (Photo: Histoires Royales)
Bruno Bonhoure concludes the evening with a medieval song in front of the tomb of Cardinal Mazarin, under the dome (Photo: Histoires Royales)
Archduke Karl of Habsburg-Lorraine with his wife, Brigitte Macron and Stéphane Bern (Photo: Histoires Royales)

The dome of the building built by Louis Le Vau has the particularity of being circular on the outside and oval on the inside. The room under the dome now serves as a large academic session room but was formerly the college chapel. There we still find the tomb of Cardinal Mazarin who wanted to rest in the chapel of this place of knowledge that he had financed. Due to its primary vocation, there are religious references on the dome and the walls, notably a frieze which takes up an extract from Ezekiel’s prophecy: “He will sit in his shadow among the nations”.

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Nicolas Fontaine


Nicolas Fontaine has been a designer-editor and author for numerous Belgian and French brands and media. A specialist in royal family news, Nicolas founded the site Histoires royales of which he is the editor-in-chief. [email protected]



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