Trump backpedals after outcry

Trump backpedals after outcry
Trump backpedals after outcry

Donald Trump returned to ambiguous comments on contraception on Tuesday, after an outcry in the middle of the American presidential campaign. “I have never advocated, and will never advocate, imposing restrictions on contraception,” the Republican candidate stormed in a message in capital letters on his Truth Social platform.

“We are looking into this…”

“It’s a lie made up from scratch by the Democrats, disinformation,” he added. I do not support a ban on contraception and neither will the Republican Party! » Earlier, local channel KDKA asked him if he supported restrictions on the right to contraception. “We are looking into this and I will have a policy on this very soon,” replied the business magnate.

To the channel which returned to the charge, telling him that he was thus suggesting that he could support restrictions, for example on the morning after pill, Donald Trump did not respond directly: “Things really have a lot to do with with the states and some states are going to have different policies from others. » He then promised to reveal a “very comprehensive policy […] in about a week.”

The Democratic camp reacted quickly

The campaign team of his rival, Democratic President Joe Biden, quickly reacted, accusing him of striving “to go back and suppress women’s freedoms”. She recalled that the Supreme Court, whose balance was modified by appointments made by Donald Trump, had annulled the constitutional guarantee of the right to abortion. “If he wins a second term, it is clear that he wants to go even further by restricting access to contraception and emergency contraceptives,” assured a spokesperson, Sarafina Chitika.

The issue of abortion and reproductive rights in general is one of the key themes of the November presidential campaign. Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have made it one of their main angles of attack against Donald Trump.

Caught between his most conservative supporters and the observation that a ban on abortion is unpopular with many Americans, the latter recently seemed to rule out the possibility of a nationwide proscription of abortion, dismissing this responsibility to the States.



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