“There will be more and more.” Ant invasion in homes in spring, what to do?

“There will be more and more.” Ant invasion in homes in spring, what to do?
“There will be more and more.” Ant invasion in homes in spring, what to do?

In this spring of 2024, some residents of Seine-Maritime but also of Eure are invaded by ants in their homes. Nicolas Moulin, entomologist, explains why this phenomenon will increase with global warming and gives some advice.

“I have them all over my house on the baseboards, they wander throughout the house”indicates this resident of the Grieu district in Rouen. “I don’t know what to do, I’ve tried all natural methods and insecticides but nothing works”continues her neighbor.

Also in Eure, residents deplore the presence of these insects in their homes. So why are there so many of them in this spring of 2024? And what should you do to get rid of it? Nicolas Moulin, entomologist in Seine-Maritime, agreed to answer our questions.

Why are there so many ants in homes in spring 2024?

The urbanization of man encroaches on the animal and plant kingdom, they no longer find a place to live without there being humans. Instead of being in a tree stump or a rocky wall, they will settle in walls, under a terrace…

Added to this are increasingly mild winters. The colonies then suffer less in winter and are therefore larger at the start of spring. With global warming, there will be more and more of them. We must learn to live together.

We’ll have to get used to it and we won’t win against them, there are a lot more of them than us!

What can we do to get rid of it?

You may not like my answer, but there’s nothing you can do. All the dangerous products you buy in stores will not repel them or kill them. But on the other hand, you will have put dangerous products in your house.

We must learn to live with them. They are not harmful, they will just come in, do their shopping and leave. They pass through cracks or openings that already exist, they will not dig. They can also be useful because they clean everything in their path: insect corpses, crumbs, etc.

The only thing to do is to properly seal your food in closed jars or boxes.

Some people deplore invasions of flying ants, what are they?

This will happen in about a month. This is about swarming, the nuptial flight of ants. Males and females therefore come out to mate.

Normally, they do this outside – and it’s a great treat for swallows and swifts – but sometimes they make a mistake and end up in a house. But again, there’s nothing you can do about it. This will last 48 hours and they will go away.

In addition to being cleaners, ants have predators that they feed: spiders, birds, etc. Some species even protect magnificent species of butterflies.

Those who fight against ants should not be surprised if they no longer have butterflies in their home…



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