suspension of school transport in the north of

suspension of school transport in the north of
suspension of school transport in the north of Gard

School transport in the north of suspended this Thursday, October 17 due to bad weather.

Faced with the bad weather hitting the Gard department, prefect Jérôme Bonnet is taking precautionary measures. The area concerned is placed on orange alert for several risks: “Rain-flood”, “Thunderstorms” and “Floods”. This vigilance particularly concerns the northern half of the department, with an intensification of phenomena expected from Thursday midday.

Already more than 270 mm in Villefort in Lozère

Given the weather forecasts announcing sustained rains and flooding of rivers, the prefect, in consultation with National Education, decided to suspend school transport. This suspension will apply to the northern half of the Gard department, where the risks are greatest.

Suspension of school transport in the north of Gard from Thursday

The decision concerns all journeys transiting through the area concerned, even if the final destination is located in an area not subject to the ban. Students who still attend their school or who are boarders will be supported.

Suspension of school transport in the north of Gard from Thursday – Source: Prefect of Gard

For the day of Thursday, precipitation could reach worrying levels. In the plains, cumulative rainfall should reach between 40 and 50 mm, with peaks at 80 mm. In the Cévennes massif, accumulations could amount to 100 or 120 mm. These rains risk causing significant flooding in certain areas.

Rivers such as the Gardons d’Anduze and Alès, as well as the Cèze Amont, are placed on orange alert for floods. Other rivers remain under surveillance with a yellow alert. Many bridges are already closed. The authorities strongly advise limiting travel and consulting the site to monitor developments in the situation.

The authorities remind residents of Gard to never drive on a submerged road or bridge in the event of rising waters. Be careful and respect the closures put in place to avoid any risk of accident.



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