the chilling true story that inspired this thriller with Odile Vuillemin

the chilling true story that inspired this thriller with Odile Vuillemin
the chilling true story that inspired this thriller with Odile Vuillemin

Odile Vuillemin makes her return to the small screen headlining a chilling series called A suspicion. From 9:05 p.m. this Wednesday, October 16, we will be able to discover the first two episodes of the mini-fiction. The last two parts will be broadcast next Wednesday, October 23, 2024. The plot immerses us in a murder case in the Aix-en-Provence region. A certain Pascal Dubreuil was found lifeless in his charred vehicle. Having been drugged, he had no chance of escaping the flames. The young gendarmerie captain Mathilde Delboscq is responsible for solving this terrible assassination. She is played by Joyce Bibring (Murders in , Chefs).

Facing the actress, we find Odile Vuillemin (Profiling, Right-of-way), in the role of Isabelle Dubreuil, the victim’s widow, quickly suspected of the murder. Mathilde will little by little discover Isabelle’s secrets, in particular the fact that the latter’s first husband almost lost his life after being poisoned. This story recalls a real and famous affair, that of “the black widow of Isère”. Manuela Gonzalez was sentenced to thirty years of criminal imprisonment on appeal in 2016 for the murder of her companion, Daniel Cano. The latter died in the fire of his car. As in the fiction, it had a high rate of anxiolytics.

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“A Suspicion” is inspired by several cases of “black widow”

If the character played by Odile Vuillemin and the scenario are reminiscent of the Daniel Cano affair, the suspense mini-series is in reality inspired by several criminal cases. This is why there are many differences between the real deal and A suspicion. “I draw a lot from news items. I came across several cases of this type there. It stimulated my imagination. I made a sort of summary”explained screenwriter Franck Ollivier (Clear-eyed revenge) at L’Humanité, “I didn’t want money to be the motive. It’s not very interesting and it doesn’t make for good criminal characters.” He wanted to show on screen “deeper, more twisted feelings” which reveal “darker facets of humanity”.



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