LIVE – Accusations of rape in Sweden: Local journalists claim to be 100% certain that “it is Kylian Mbappé who is targeted” – Did Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer provide concrete answers last night on TF1?

LIVE – Accusations of rape in Sweden: Local journalists claim to be 100% certain that “it is Kylian Mbappé who is targeted” – Did Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer provide concrete answers last night on TF1?
LIVE – Accusations of rape in Sweden: Local journalists claim to be 100% certain that “it is Kylian Mbappé who is targeted” – Did Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer provide concrete answers last night on TF1?

07h51 : The Swedish investigative journalist who revealed the affair confirms on RTL that she is 100% certain that it is the player who is targeted: “We don’t know what happened or not, and that’s up to the police and the courts to investigate and decide, but what is certain is that it is him who is targeted by the complaint, we are 100% certain and that is why we published this article.

06:50: Me Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, lawyer for Mbappé, spoke last night for the first time in the TF 8 p.m. news after the accusations targeting the Blues attacker. A few hours earlier, the Swedish prosecutor’s office confirmed that it was conducting an investigation into rape after the visit of Kylian Mbappé and his entourage last week to Stockholm, without however naming any names.

For the French player’s lawyer, there is no panic among the football star:

“He is particularly serene, but he is stunned to see this media hype and does not understand at all what can be blamed on him in any way. We don’t even know who this complaint is targeting at this time.

A complaint does not establish the truth, does not prove anything, and I don’t even know if the complaint is aimed at him. Kylian Mbappé is never alone. He is never exposed to finding himself in a situation where there would be risk taking for him. As a result, this completely excludes the possibility that there could have been any wrongdoing on his part. This is an absolute certainty.

Today, he was absolutely calm, he actually went to training, because he knows that he has absolutely nothing to reproach himself for.”

Me Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer, also announced on TF1’s 8 p.m.she will file a complaint for “slanderous denunciation” in the coming hours.



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