Marne: Quiz evening on June 15 by the Association of this village

Marne: Quiz evening on June 15 by the Association of this village
Marne: Quiz evening on June 15 by the Association of this village


Editorial Coulommiers

Published on

May 19, 2024 at 12:06 p.m.

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It’s a Quiz night which will heat up the neurons of the participants as thefriendly of Courgivauxa village located on the RN 4 not far fromEsternay, organizes June 15 at 7:30 p.m. “Come and test your knowledge in eight games with different themes,” explains Laurent Senoble, the president of the association. If the secret remains well kept on the themes of this Quiz, we can reveal that there is music, logos and general culture among these themes. “

Each participant starts equally

Indeed, not revealing all the themes of the evening has one objective: » To ensure that each participant leaves on an equal footing with the others for this evening which is intended to be convivial. We must give everyone a chance. » For the association, after the health crisis which deeply disrupted local life, » this Quiz is an opportunity to revitalize it. “

Everyone can register alone, or in a team of up to 5 members. By each party, the winner, or the winning team, will be awarded a reward. Finally, a refreshment bar will be present which will also sell small pastries.

The town hall room which will host this evening can hold up to 60 people, so it is preferable to book quickly and absolutely before May 26 to be sure of having a place.

Participation of 5€ per person. Registration before May 26 (and no longer May 20 as indicated on certain posters) by telephone on 06 12 10 82 24 (SMS possible).

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