a thesis examines the question, here are its conclusions

a thesis examines the question, here are its conclusions
a thesis examines the question, here are its conclusions


APEI Press Agency

Published on

Oct. 15 2024 at 6:47 p.m
; updated Oct 15, 2024 at 7:01 p.m.

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It’s a fact: food insecurity tends to increase at the national level. More and more people do not have enough to eat and have a poorly diversified diet. This question was the subject of a thesis which aims to better understand and analyze the situations of food insecurity in rural areas, particularly in the department of Drome.

Titled Access to food in rural areas, the case of residents experiencing poverty in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpesthis research was carried out by Mathilde Ferrand, doctoral student at the 2 rural studies laboratory, largely in the Drôme region.

As part of its food strategy “Eat Drôme, eat better”the Department of Drôme co-financed this thesis . The results of this research were presentedFriday October 11

during the meeting of the Governance Committee of the departmental food strategy, in Étoile-sur-Rhône.

A qualitative survey with interviews

  • In the department, four territories were the subject of investigation. Namely, the communities of municipalities:
  • Portes de Drômardèche;
  • Baronnies in Drôme Provençale;
  • Drôme Sud Provence;

Videos: currently on Actu The researcher followeda qualitative method including interviews

with those involved in the fight against food insecurity (associations, medico-social centers, community food mission managers, etc.) and people in situations of poverty. It emerges from this investigation that if the territories studied present specificities,two brakes are common to all zones . The first concernsmobility

namely the difficulty for some people to go to places where food aid is purchased or distributed. The second obstacle is the difficulty for people in precarious situations to talk about their situation

Doctoral student Mathilde Ferrand and Agnès Jauvert, departmental advisor responsible for rurality and agricultural and food policies. Doctoral student Mathilde Ferrand and Agnès Jauvert, departmental advisor responsible for rurality and agricultural and food policies.


Local initiatives Faced with this observation, solutions are emerging to remedy it, particularly in Drôme. For Mathilde Ferrand, the Drôme region presents “a wealth of innovative and inspiring initiatives which often rely on local partnerships and meet certain needs”, such as the delivery of food parcels set up in Royans orthe Vrac Drôme joint purchasing network


The observation that the number of people experiencing food insecurity is increasing, particularly among the Department’s target audiences (young children, RSA beneficiaries, elderly people or people with disabilities), has guided the development of our food strategy. As a leader in human solidarity, the Department will continue to work to protect the most vulnerable. As part of the Solidarity pact signed in September with the State, a call for projects aimed at better structuring food aid will be launched.
Marie-Pierre Mouton

President of the Departmental Council of Drôme The Departmental Council thus intervenes in the field of food solidarity via a call for projects which makes it possible to finance innovative projects (Vrac Drôme, L’Accueillette, small canteens, etc.). The community also supports food aid associations (People’s Relief, Catholic Relief, Food Bank) with 57 400 €

operating aid per year. For families or people supported by medical-social centers (CMS) in great difficulty, the Department can mobilize exceptional aid intendedwhen buying food

. Finally, to adopt good practices, the Department supports users of medical-social centers and professionals withactions to raise awareness about eating well


: The other funders of the thesis are Cap rural, Sol et Civilization, Saint-Flour community and the RTE Foundation. The Department is the main financier with a budget of €60,000 over three years.Follow all the news from your favorite cities and media by subscribing to Mon Actu.



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