Putin, Trump trial, Bamboo Revolution… | The 28′ International Club

Putin, Trump trial, Bamboo Revolution… | The 28′ International Club
Putin, Trump trial, Bamboo Revolution… | The 28′ International Club

This Saturday, Renaud Dely deciphers the news with an international perspective, in the company of our club members: Eva Morlettocorrespondent in Paris for the Italian magazine “Grazia” — Richard WerlyParis correspondent for the Swiss daily “Blick” — Gil Mihaelypublishing director of the magazines “Causeur” and “Conflits”, and the press cartoonist Pierre Kroll.

Putin in China: “friendship without limits” that challenges the West? On the occasion of his first trip abroad since his inauguration for a fifth term in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin was in China, Thursday May 16 and Friday May 17. This state visit responds to the trip made to Moscow by Chinese President Xi Jinping in March 2023 and takes place in the year of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Russian president intends to showcase “limitless friendship” with Xi Jinping, which he already praised in February 2022, a few days before invading Ukraine. A friendship which has been strengthened in particular through commercial and geopolitical interests. China publicly supports Russia, although it has never approved the annexation of any part of Ukrainian territory. And Xi Jinping does not want to completely cut himself off from the West, he who was on a state visit to France a few days ago. What to think of this Moscow-Beijing axis? Should we fear it?

After Robert Fico: should we fear an explosion of violence in politics? Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico – ultraconservative and pro-Russian – was shot “several times” on Wednesday May 15 after a cabinet meeting in Handlova, in the center of the country. In critical condition, he is “not in a situation that threatens his survival at the moment”, according to the Deputy Prime Minister. The author of this assassination attempt, a 71-year-old writer with political leanings on the left, claimed to disagree “with government policy”. This attack comes at a time when in Europe, violence against politicians or elected officials is increasing. On May 4, a German SPD MEP was attacked and seriously injured while putting up election posters. This week, “Der Spiegel” featured on the front page the photo tagged with a target of Olaf Scholz, titled: “The new hatred of politicians”. In 2016, British Labor MP Jo Cox was assassinated a few days before the Brexit vote. How to explain this violence in politics?

Valérie Brochard gives us news from our dear European neighbors: this weekend, head to Catalonia. For the first time since the 1980s, pro-independence parties have lost their majority in Parliament. Led by former Minister of Health Salvador Illa, the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) came in first in the regional elections.

Jean-Mathieu Pernin skips over “the legal soap opera of the year” in the United States: the criminal trial of Donald Trump. The former American president is accused of having falsified documents to conceal the $130,000 paid to former porn star Stormy Daniels in order to buy her silence, just before the 2016 presidential election. In this historic trial, a witness central has just been called to the stand: Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, ready to reveal everything.

This week-end, Olivier Boucreux awards employee of the week to actress and director Greta Gerwig. After conquering the global box office with her film “Barbie”, which grossed more than a billion dollars, this year she chairs the jury of the Cannes Film Festival marked by the #MeToo movement and powerful women.

Sunday May 12, a group of orcas hit and sank a fifteen-meter sailboat in the Strait of Gibraltar, without causing any casualties. To avoid reprisals from fishermen or boaters against orcas, associations such as Sea Shepherd or OceanCare have reminded that this type of incident is not a targeted attack against humans, and that these marine mammals are in danger. extinction criticism. Alix Van Pée tells us.

Strong, light and flexible, waterproof and fire resistant: what if bamboo was a magic plant to save the world? With its thousands of species and multiple uses, this low-tech material could help us confront today’s environmental, economic and even societal crises. For the author and editor Jeanne Pham Tran, bamboo is a true “bridge between nature and culture”, and connects us to living things. In her essay “Bamboo Revolution”, she invites us to discover the virtues of this major plant in Asia, symbol of flexibility, sobriety and resilience.

Finally, don’t miss the French headline of the week and the very interesting question of David Castello Lopes.

28 Minutes is ARTE’s current affairs magazine, presented by Elisabeth Quin from Monday to Thursday at 8:05 p.m. Renaud Dély is in charge of the show on Friday and Saturday. This podcast is co-produced by KM and ARTE Radio.



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