Trial of Marco Rodrigue begins for attempted murder of a policewoman

Trial of Marco Rodrigue begins for attempted murder of a policewoman
Trial of Marco Rodrigue begins for attempted murder of a policewoman

More than three years after his arrest, Marco Rodrigue’s trial finally began this Tuesday at the Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce courthouse.

The Saint-Zacharie man is accused of attempted murder against Catherine Giroux, an officer of the Sûreté du Québec, with a firearm. The events occurred on August 18, 2021 when the police officer stopped him for an infraction of the Highway Safety Code on Highway 73, in Sainte-Marie. He then allegedly shot her, injuring her hand, before fleeing. He was arrested the same evening in Saint-Georges.

Two other charges weigh against him, namely having occupied a vehicle where he knew that there were unrestricted 308 caliber firearms and having in his possession firearms for dangerous purposes.

This Tuesday, the day began with the swearing in of seven men and seven women who make up the jury, for this trial lasting an estimated three weeks, presided over by the judge of the Superior Court of Quebec, Louis Dionne.

The jurors were then presented with the preliminary instructions explained by the judge. This allowed them to know the specific terms that can be used in court, to know their rights and duties as a member of the jury and to know how the trial will proceed.

For this procedure, Me Annik Harbor acts as crown prosecutor, while the accused is represented by Me Samuel Cozak, accompanied by Me Stéphane Harvey.

Mr. Harbor plans to call 16 witnesses to the stand during this trial, civilians as well as members of the police service. Some of them have already testified during the preliminary investigation which was held last April.

Start of hearings

In order to follow a chronological order as much as possible, the prosecutor had the victim, Catherine Giroux, testify first. With as much detail as possible and relying on her memories, the Sûreté du Québec agent recounted the course of the events that occurred on August 18, 2021.

During the examination in chief, Mr. Harbor presented photos of the victim’s face taken after her attack. We also learned that Ms. Giroux had received shards of glass in her eyes, which caused her to lose her vision for 10 days. Although three years have passed since the events mentioned, the agent still feels a lot of emotions when discussing this event during which she was very afraid of dying.

During cross-examination, Mr. Cozak reviewed some details with the victim, in particular on the physique of his alleged attacker.

To end this first day of trial, the court heard the words of an eyewitness who was traveling on Highway 73 at the location and time of the events.

The hearings will continue from 9 a.m. Wednesday morning, still in room 1.01 of the Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce courthouse.

Also read

Opening of the preliminary investigation in the Rodrigue affair

Marco Rodrigue’s trial date will be set this Thursday

Marco Rodrigue will be represented by Me Samuel Cozak

Shooting of a police officer: drama at the courthouse



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