“The position of unions in companies remains stronger than ever”

“The position of unions in companies remains stronger than ever”
“The position of unions in companies remains stronger than ever”

It is in this context that the HR service provider Randstad has carried out, since 2004 and every four years such as elections, a vast survey (among 2,510 people including 560 managers) on the way in which workers participate in the life of the company.

Significant interest

When asked to rate the extent to which their employer allows them to participate in the life of their company, workers are only moderately satisfied, giving an average score of 5.9 out of 10. Even for changes that affect their own department and their workstation, the average score is only 5.6 and 5.7.

“When we make such a proposal targeting SMEs with a few workers, it’s very complicated”

When it comes to social elections, six out of ten workers (61%) say they would vote if they had the chance. A little more than half of workers are interested in these elections (53%). A percentage which rises to 71% among union members, compared to 48% among non-members. And if we only consider the results of workers in companies organizing social elections, even 65% show interest in the elections. Young employees aged 18 to 24 show the greatest interest (62%).

infographic ©Randstad – IPM Graphics

Perception that has improved

The proportion of workers saying that unions are trusted by workers stands at 72%. The perception of unions has improved in almost every aspect. Mutual respect between unions and management has increased slightly according to workers (72% compared to 68% 4 years ago). And 66% are of the opinion that management and unions consult frequently. However, just under half (45%) believe that management and unions argue a lot. “This is quite normal because in the majority of cases, the positions are contradictory. The union approach is part of discussion, negotiation, opposition”notes Sébastien Cosentino, spokesperson for Randstad.

The workers are, as always, clearly the most positive towards the unions. “Since 2004, we have noted that unions are widely supported within companies and, contrary to widespread perception, there is no sign of a weakening of this trend. This observation remains applicable in 2024. The position of unions in companies remains more solid than ever“, continues Sébastien Cosentino.

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The survey also reveals that 33% of respondents (and even 45% of workers) have submitted a question or problem to the local delegation in the past year. The questions mainly focused on workload, salary and bonuses.


Belgian unions believe that co-management is a bad idea.”

The principle of co-management

In 2020, and for the first time in the history of this study, Randstad asked respondents if they believed that unions should sit on the board of directors of their company. The 70% of positive responses demonstrated broad support for this idea. This time again, 72% of respondents are in favor. “This model is widespread in Germany. In many companies, unions are an integral part of the board of directors and make decisions with management.”, specifies Sébastien Cosentino. If the model seems to appeal to Belgian workers, it will probably not be applied soon. “Unions say this is a bad idea“, remarks Sébastien Cosentino. And to raise the question from the unions of knowing whether the delegates who will intervene in the council will be sufficiently trained to understand the decisions taken. There is also the question of the opposition. “Unions often feel that they are there to oppose decisions and do not want to be associated with these decisions. It’s a shame to see the lack of interest on the issue of co-management on the part of the unions in Belgium when the workers are rather demanding.”



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