“You will not leave here alive”: demonstrators armed with iron bars contest the majority agreement in

Demonstrators expressed their anger Monday afternoon in front of town hall. They contest the ousting of Corine Mullens (MR), sent back to the opposition even though her list came first. Threats were reportedly made. Some physical violence would also be deplorable.

Several dozen demonstrators gathered early Monday afternoon in front of Rochefort town hall, where the municipal college was meeting. They protested against the majority agreement concluded between the MR-IC and Pour groups, respectively led by the outgoing mayor Julien Defaux (MR) and the impeached mayor and minister of current affairs Pierre-Yves Dermagne (PS).

Threats were made. A complaint could be filed, Julien Defaux said on Tuesday. “The general director of the municipality wanted to leave, he was grabbed. Municipal staff were verbally abused. Some demonstrators chanted “you will not get out of here alive”, others were armed with iron bars“, he says. The outgoing mayor also points out that an alderman felt unwell while leaving the premises. “We had to call the ambulance“, he laments.


Some demonstrators threatened to go to François Bellot (MR), Pierre-Yves Dermagne and me. The police therefore secured our homes but this is no longer relevant this Tuesday.” he elaborates. The outgoing mayor and future mayor is considering filing a complaint: “It’s in reflection, we don’t want to let what happened go unpunished

The demonstrators are supporters of the @venir list, led by Corine Mullens (MR), returned to the opposition following this agreement while her list came first in the elections with 8 seats, against 7 for MR-IC, 6 for For and 2 for Ecolo.

Anger is brewing because the outgoing majority does not respect the voter’s choice

Protesters also blocked traffic, causing traffic jams in downtown Rochefort.

“Anger is brewing because the outgoing majority does not respect the choice of the voter. We won the elections. We wanted to eventually join forces with the MR and if that had not worked, then we could consult with the PS. But here , the choice was not respected. We had made an appointment with Julien Defaux for this Monday morning at 9:30 a.m., I wanted to call him back because I saw that something was going on and he never responded. replied. What is shameful is to have given us an appointment but not to have respected his word. All our running mates and our supporters are revolted.indicated Thierry Lavis, outgoing municipal councilor and member of the @venir list, at the microphone of MaTélé.

For her part, Corine Mullens, head of the @venir list, dissociates herself from these events. “I quickly learned this Monday that a symbolic gesture would be made around 2:00 p.m. in front of City Hall but not like that. I have never condoned these violent or derogatory comments. The anger and disillusionment are so great for these people that they said things that should not have been said in this way. But I don’t know how to control all the citizens. I call on everyone to calm down because what is being produced does not serve our cause. I wish to remain worthy“, she concludes.

municipal elections 2024 rochefort



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