The Construction Fresco: collaborate, exchange, network… and act!

The Construction Fresco: collaborate, exchange, network… and act!
The Construction Fresco: collaborate, exchange, network… and act!

A few questions to Edgar Haldimann, head of the real estate players segment (real estate manager segment), and Géraud De , senior innovation & strategy developer at RE Ventures at EPFL. Both participated in the creation of the Construction Fresco, Swiss version.

What do you think is the benefit of a Construction Fresco, what does it bring to participants?

Edgar Haldimann (EH): Whether people are very informed or not, they leave with additional knowledge. It is also possible to identify roles and possibilities for action, which promotes the implementation of actions. The levers are actually found in the interactions between the cards. During the REM event last March, I was struck by the many anecdotes that were shared, and by the lasting but invisible learnings revealed by the Fresco, such as techniques to combat overheating or the use of raw earth in construction projects. There is a great deal of know-how emerging and available around the tables. The exchanges then make it possible to push these subjects further and build this collective knowledge.

Géraud De Laval (GDL): The discussions during the workshops are indeed rich in feedback and sharing of experiences. Those present appreciate seeing what works and what doesn’t, and these discussions are valuable for my colleagues and me. In addition, participating in a Fresco allows you to see that others are already moving and that it is possible to evolve. In fact, it pulls everyone forward.

As organizer and/or facilitator of the Fresco, what have you learned?

(EH): I found the mix between personal knowledge and beliefs, and the professional role which makes it possible to identify the levers of action, particularly interesting. I like this moment when everyone asks themselves the question of their sphere of influence, because defining it also means seeing where the others with whom you have just spoken for an hour and a half are located. This allows us to understand how to work together to make things happen and the potential for implementation is then much greater. Ideally, a Fresco should be organized before each renovation project to align objectives and working methods.
(GDL): There are two aspects, animation and knowledge. In terms of animation, I noticed that each table has a different dynamic and energy, and that it is important to support the discussions well, let them open up, but also know how to reframe them. In terms of knowledge, the learning of content has been enormous since December 2022. La Fresque has allowed us to acquire new skills, expand our network, deepen our understanding of the subject and foster good relationships with customers, but also among colleagues.

What’s next?

(GDL): We have already received requests for the organization of Frescoes. At the same time, we continue to develop the model. For example, and as Edgar mentioned above, why not organize Frescoes at the start of the renovation work, to lay a common knowledge base? It is also essential to continue training the animation team to deploy more Frescoes, because the more fresco artists there are trained, the more these workshops will multiply.

The final word is for you…

(EH): When it comes to climate, looking at the facts in a factual way can be depressing. What is interesting about the Fresco is that it not only notes the situation and the difficulties in reversing the trends, but it also gives a human impetus and generates a connection with other people. This crossing of perspectives encourages action. The Fresco brings this new narrative: yes the situation is not rosy, but yes, we can act together and not remain immobilized in our roles. This nourishes a certain courage in me and it is stimulating to see positive perspectives and concrete solutions emerge.

(GDL): The building is central in our lives: we live there, we work there, we play there. It has a huge impact on climate change, and it is one of the few areas for which solutions are known. The Construction Fresco allows us to agree on these solutions and understand the issues, together. If we speak the same language and understand the same things, it’s much easier to move forward. We leave the Fresque with additional knowledge, means of action and new professional relationships. If after that we don’t act, it’s because we don’t really want it!



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