The animated series based on the manga by Eiichirō Oda, broadcast weekly since 1999, will be interrupted until April 2025.
Thunderbolt for fans of One Piece. The official X account for the animated series, based on the work of Eiichirō Oda, announces this Sunday, October 13, a hiatus until April 2025.
“To aim for even higher quality, the ‘Egg Head’ chapter will continue in April 2025. In addition, the broadcast schedule will be changed from the reboot in April 2025.”
Toei Animation plans to release a re-release of the arc during this hiatus Fish-Man Island.
In France the episodes of the arc Egg Head are broadcast every Saturday on Netflix and on Crunchyroll, where you can watch all of the more than 1,000 episodes.
Interruption during covid
This is not the first time that the broadcast of the animated series has been interrupted. Already in 2020, during the Covid pandemic, the series was suspended due to health restrictions, between April 19 and June 28.
Then in March and April 2022, Toei Animation suspended the series due to hacking of its servers.
“One Piece”, the manga of all records arrives on Netflix
According to fan sites, the arc of Fish-Man Island is expected to air from October 27.