Sharing and conviviality at the Welcome Fair

This Saturday, September 28, 2024, under a beautiful fresh sun and a bit of Mistral, the teams from the Ehpad l’Accueil set up tables under the lime trees of the Residence to welcome, on the occasion of its fair, the 80 residents and their families, but also the staff, volunteers and some elected officials of the municipality.

In a warm and joyful atmosphere, with Alain Rubio at the microphone, the 120 or so guests and residents were able to sing and rejoice around a good bull herd prepared by the kitchen team.

A stand was run by residents to sell small craft items made by them (jams, key rings, knitwear, etc.) and to offer raffle tickets with numerous prizes, the profit being used to finance community projects. entertainment for users.

The highlight of the day will probably remain the one when the residents’ choir, the aptly named “Chorale of happy people”, took up singing and signing in French Sign Language Michel Fugain’s song “Chante”, in dedication to the one of the residents, profoundly deaf, and to her family: a lovely moment of solidarity and emotion shared by all.

The elected representatives, Mesdames Chopard and Chalmeton, as well as Mr. Pascal, vice-president of the departmental council, did the honor of their presence at this pleasant celebration, for the pleasure of all, residents, families, volunteers and staff.
The next meeting in the nursing home gardens is already set for Wednesday December 11 afternoon, for the now emblematic L’Accueil Christmas Market!



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