prices on the rise in 2025, this indicator that doesn’t lie!

prices on the rise in 2025, this indicator that doesn’t lie!
prices on the rise in 2025, this indicator that doesn’t lie!

With rates falling, buyers automatically gain purchasing power. Aware of this new situation, sellers do not seem inclined to lower their prices. If you are one of those who thought that a general decline was essential for the market to recover, the reality is quite different. The experts decipher it for you.

“Sellers have become aware of the market blockage”

« Sellers have moved closer to professional estimates. They became aware of the market blockage and the need to get closer to the professional’s estimate if they wanted to sell“, explains Louis du Clary, founder ofReal Estate Auctionsthe platform that organizes interactive sales in the form of auctions.

« While the gap between sellers’ expectations and buyers’ offers reached nearly 11% in May 2023, we see that it has stabilized at around 7% since May. continues the expert.

A figure based on more than 2,000 transactions since the start of 2023. This is “agreements in principle » dating from September.

But be careful, “prices will not (yet) drop by 10%”

As indicated in the columns of Figaro Immobilier, there is an average gap of 3.9% between sellers’ expectations and the estimate made by real estate agents.

« Even if sellers agree to get closer to professional estimates, apartment prices will not drop by 10%. assures Louis du Clary. Sellers have understood that rates are falling, so buyers have more purchasing power.continues the latter.

« Prices are falling, but not enough», Estimates Élodie Frémont, president of the real estate statistics commission and notary in .

Real estate: prices on the rise in 2025, this indicator that doesn’t lie!

« Prices can’t go down much, analyzes for his part, Louis du Clary. And quite simply, he specifies, because “ sellers have absolutely no interest in it in a context of falling or stabilizing rates.”

This hypothesis is similar to that developed by Best Agents, the real estate valuation site which announces “ a recovery in prices in 2025.

This is unheard of!

Everything seems to be going in this direction with “incomes which are increasing, inflation which continues to slow down”. Not to mention the credit rate which is stabilizing (or even decreasing). This would be something unprecedented since 2022!

We are in the presence of all “perfect ingredients to revive demand – whose purchasing power regains color – and therefore real estate prices”we can read in Le Figaro Immobilier.



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