Donald Trump allegedly secretly sent Covid tests to Putin

Donald Trump allegedly secretly sent Covid tests to Putin
Donald Trump allegedly secretly sent Covid tests to Putin

Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, when he was in the White House.Keystone

The relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is at the heart of an article written by a famous journalist from the Washington Post. The latter claims that Covid-19 screening tests were sent by the Republican to the Russian leader in 2020.

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Donald Trump secretly sent Covid-19 tests to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin while he was in the White House and in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, while the United States lacked them, reveals a new book to be published by Bob Woodward, American journalism legend.

A behind-the-scenes chronicler of the White House for half a century with the Washington Post, Bob Woodward revealed with Carl Bernstein the Watergate scandal which resulted in the resignation of President Nixon in 1974. In his new book “War”, to be published on October 15, he also writes that the Republican candidate has maintained a personal relationship with the Russian leader, despite the invasion of Ukraine and while he aims to return to the White House.

Secret conversations

According to the account of the American media which had access to the book, Vladimir Putin received the anti-Covid tests and begged Donald Trump not to say anything: “I don’t want you to tell anyone, people will be surprised. angry with you, not with me,” the Russian president reportedly told him.

According to an anonymous adviser, he has spoken to Putin in secret up to seven times since he left Washington in 2021. In early 2024, he asked an aide to leave his office at the Mar- a-Lago in Florida, to have a telephone conversation with the Russian president.

“None of these fabricated stories by Bob Woodward are true, this is the work of a truly insane and unhinged man. The book “could serve as toilet paper”

Steven Cheung, one of the spokespersons for the Republican candidate.

The billionaire’s Democratic rival, for her part, expressed her indignation. “Everyone in America was struggling to get kits…and this guy is sending them to Russia, to a murderous dictator, for his own use?”:

“This is just the latest and greatest example of who Trump is.”

These revelations once again shine the spotlight on the relationship established by Donald Trump with Russia and risk reinforcing fears for the fate of Ukraine in the event of the Republican’s return to the White House. (ats/afp)

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