Cécile eliminated from Don’t forget the words: who is Claire, who stole her place?

Cécile eliminated from Don’t forget the words: who is Claire, who stole her place?
Cécile eliminated from Don’t forget the words: who is Claire, who stole her place?

This Thursday, May 9, 2024, Cécile was eliminated from Don’t forget the lyrics just a few points from victory. She thus leaves room for Claire, the new Maestro of the show.

Screenshot Don’t forget the lyrics / France 2

Dramatic twist in Do not forget the lyrics. This Thursday, May 9, 2024, Cécile, the Maestro of the show for several days, was eliminated. Since her arrival on April 30, 2024, the latter had scored 14 victories, and managed to accumulate a prize pool of 57,000 euros thanks to her performances on the Nagui plateau. A beautiful journey, which finally ended this Thursday, May 9, 2024. Indeed, after the test of the same song, the Maestro accumulated only 149 points compared to 157 points for Claire, the challenger of the day.

Who is Claire, the new Maestro?

It was therefore Claire who finally grabbed the silver microphone at the end of the show. And it must be said that as soon as she arrived in the program, the candidate from Loiret announced the color by interpreting the title eye of the tiger from Survivor: “You declare the fight open!” Nagui then instantly told him. Quickly, the flagship presenter of France 2 wanted to get to know this very determined candidate, who quickly confided in the daily battle she is waging against endometriosis, a chronic illness which prevents him from working:Are you looking for a job?” then launched Nagui. A question to which the young woman answered transparently: “So, not particularly because I have some health problems, including endometriosis. So I would have liked to talk about it a little bit. (…)” she confided before ensuring that she wanted to donate the winnings she won on the show to EndoFrance, an association specializing in endometriosis: “With this donation, it would help advance research” she explained.

At the same time, she still wants to be able to have fun by realizing her dream of traveling to Canada alongside her partner, Anthony: “Maybe to live there later, it’s a country that we really like” she confided.

A victory just a few points apart

And it seems that Claire managed to get closer to her various objectives this Thursday, May 9, 2024! Indeed, Cécile, the Maestro, found herself in difficulty with the title Singer by Daniel Balavoine during the test of the same song, allowing Claire to surpass her. However, during the final test, the new Maestro failed to shine. It remains to be seen whether she will do better during the next broadcast this Friday, May 10… To be continued!



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