VIDEO. Flood, noisy cows, Renaud… The 5 news of the week to remember in Pays de la Loire

VIDEO. Flood, noisy cows, Renaud… The 5 news of the week to remember in Pays de la Loire
VIDEO. Flood, noisy cows, Renaud… The 5 news of the week to remember in Pays de la Loire

Were you unable to follow the news in Pays de la Loire from Saturday May 4 to Friday May 10? Here are the five pieces of information you shouldn’t miss.

The Loire, Maine and Sarthe overflow into Maine et Loire

Located on the banks of the Loire, the Slow village campsite in Ponts-de-Cé, near Angers, was forced to close on Tuesday May 7. The cause: a sudden rise in the Loire. The flood and heavy rainfall also had consequences for the tavern at Nini, located on the banks of the Sarthe, in Cheffes: the manager was forced to close his establishment. Same consequence for the tavern at Jojo in Saint-Saturnin-sur-Loire which had to postpone its opening.

“It only happens once in a lifetime!” »: the people of Mayen welcome Prince Albert of Monaco

Prince Albert II of Monaco spent two days in Mayenne, Sunday May 5 and Monday May 6. He began his stay with a visit to the town of Mayenne with a stroll among the inhabitants, who came in large numbers to welcome him.

“We are not in the mountains”: in Mayenne, residents tired by the noise of cow bells

In Villepail (Mayenne), 62 people signed a petition against the noise of the bells hanging around the necks of around thirty cows. An inspector from the prefecture came to the site to observe the nuisance.

He lives in Trentemoult, near Nantes, but it was in Paris that Renaud married

Let’s put an end to the rumors. Yes, the singer Renaud got married, but not in Trentemoult near Nantes, where he has a house. It was in Paris that the singer said “yes” to his sweetheart.

“I am a sexologist for plants”: in Vendée, an erotic vegetable garden to be more educational

In La Roche-sur-Yon, the Extraordinary Vegetable Garden presents plant collections in a fun context. Gardener-botanist, Baptiste Pierre sets up an erotic vegetable garden.



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