the young man died

the young man died
the young man died

The young 19-year-old victim of an accident on Thursday May 9 around 12:40 p.m., rue des Jeux-Olympiques, in Ancenis-Saint-Géréon (Loire-Atlantique), died this Friday May 10.

While riding a scooter at a pedestrian crossing, he was hit by an Opel corsa driven by a 25-year-old veteran.

In cardiorespiratory arrest when help arrived, the Samu dispatched a helicopter to transport the victim, whose vital prognosis was in jeopardy, to the Nantes University Hospital. Seriously injured, the young man succumbed to his injuries this Friday.

The Ancenis gendarmerie brigade has opened an investigation and will have to clarify the exact circumstances of this dramatic accident.

” It’s necessary to be vigilant “

While expressing his compassion for the victim and his loved ones, Rémy Orhon, mayor of Ancenis whom we contacted this Friday, recalls “how vigilant we must be. At the start of the year, the municipal police carried out an awareness campaign “Ride well on an electric scooter” among users and distributed flyers in middle and high schools.”

It follows another road safety operation, carried out on November 29, at the Tournebride roundabout and the Esso station. During this, municipal police officers and gendarmes checked the visibility equipment of cyclists or scooter users. “In the space of an hour, 80 checks were carried out. »



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