Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1683 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1683 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1683 of Friday May 10, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… Manon and William are at each other’s throats. Mona is feeling down. Marianne turns Renaud’s entire program upside down.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Friday May 10 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

The Curtises go on the run

Following Aurore’s hostage-taking by Étienne, William and Manon did not sleep a wink all night. They learned that Aurore had, of her own free will, accompanied the Curtises in their escape attempt, but they still fear for her life. Indeed, they both realize to what extent Étienne has twisted.

At the police station, the police lost track of the Curtises. But they now know that they are looking for the whole family: Étienne, Bénédicte, Dorian who returned from the run and Luna who is also in on the action. Timothée emphasizes that they will be less discreet in groups and therefore easier to spot. Martin appears confident.

In the Curtis hideout, Aurore is handcuffed to the sofa. Bénédicte regrets that she was involved in all this, assuring that they never wanted to hurt Manon either. Aurore tries to make her in-laws understand that they have no chance of escaping given that there are police roadblocks at each border with Spain. At the same time, Dorian and Luna return to the hideout, announcing that they have managed to find a new car for the road. Bénédicte is overjoyed to see her son again.

Later, as the Curtises are packing up to leave, Aurore tries to dissuade them again. Gradually, she realizes that they put something in her water bottle. Luna confirms that they are sleeping pills. As Aurore falls asleep, Étienne unfastens his handcuffs and turns his phone back on.

The Curtises leave their hideout, while Aurore’s phone signal is immediately spotted by the police. Karim and Nordine go there. They find Aurore, who begins to wake up. Just before she fell asleep, she heard the Curtises talking about a detour to Spain. She passes on as much information as possible to her colleagues.

For their part, the Curtis learn via radio that the police are aware of their itinerary. Étienne, who had considered this option, decides to move on to plan B: he gives Bénédicte, Dorian and Luna bags with food to last a week. While they leave on foot, Étienne will create a diversion with the police to lose them, then meet his family at the meeting point he has spotted.

Once Bénédicte, Dorian and Luna have left, Étienne gets back in his vehicle and drives towards a roadblock where there are a few police officers, including Karim. After stopping, Étienne rushes straight towards them. Karim shoots at the car before getting out of the way in time. But behind him, has Étienne mastered his steering wheel?

A socks gate for Lucien

At the Spoon, Mona reveals to Roxane that she fears that Lucien will catch a cold because Georges doesn’t put socks on him. Roxane encourages him to tell her. Mona therefore calls her son to advise him to cover Lucien well.

After hanging up, Georges complains about his mother to Mélody. He believes that Lucien can very well remain barefoot. Georges then leaves for work, leaving his son in Mélody’s care. She then takes over from Mona during the day.

In the evening, when Georges returns, he finds his mother. Once she leaves, he realizes that Lucien has socks on his feet. He takes a photo of it and sends it to his mother, accusing her of not following his instructions. At the Spoon, Mona complains to Bart because she says she had nothing to do with it.

A little later, when Mélody returns to Georges’ house, the latter criticizes his mother about socks. Mélody ends up admitting to her companion that it was she who put socks on Lucien for fear that he would be cold. In fact, she inquired about the subject. Georges is very touched by his involvement and does not blame him.

Marianne disrupts Renaud’s program

Renaud shows Marianne and Chloé the itinerary he has planned for their family road trip in the United States. He plans to disembark in Seattle, then go back down the coast to Los Angeles, stopping in San Francisco halfway to meet up with Judith and Maxime. Marianne refrains from giving her opinion on this itinerary.

During a break at the hospital, Marianne comes across Jordan by chance. She tells him about her upcoming trip to the United States, admitting that she didn’t dare tell her husband that she would have planned things differently. Jordan then asks Marianne to say hello to Judith for him to see her, adding that he has moved on since his affair with her.

Later, Marianne finally admits to Renaud that she would have planned a reverse route for their trip: disembarking in Los Angeles to end up in Seattle. She is relieved to see that Renaud is completely willing to follow her plan. In reality, the latter had planned everything from the start. As he knows Marianne well, he purposely presented his plan to her in reverse so that she could change it and so she could have the impression that it was she who decided everything.



NEXT at what time and on which channel to watch the fight?