Europe Day is today!

Europe Day is today!
Europe Day is today!

74 years ago, Robert Schumann, the founding father of Europe, had given his declaration. The “Schuman Declaration” is considered the birth certificate of the European Union. It is a symbolic date. It is celebrated every year by all its member countries. One month before the European elections, the mayor of Sarreguemines, Marc Zingraff wants to mobilize residents.

Sound No. 1 – Europe Day is today!


Europe is concrete, it is everyday. Not only is it a daily occurrence for elected officials, but it is a daily occurrence for the population who do not always realize it.

Marc Zingraff is passionate about Europe.

Thanks to Europe, she goes shopping in Germany at a price that is often very attractive. She will be able to enjoy her leisure activities between Germany and France. She will be able to find a job, since she will be able to cross the border, find arrangements so that she can work in Germany.

The European Union also helps finance ultra-local projects to bring populations together.

If the son is going to play on the Beausoleil football field in Hagwald. He will play on a football field which was more than a third financed by European authorities.

European elections every 5 years

In the last elections, the participation rate in France was 50%. This is the highest level of participation in 30 years. The mayor recalls the importance of the vote.

Europe is an issue that concerns everyone tomorrow. We must not forget to also remember that since Victor Hugo, we have wanted a Europe that is the foundation of peace.

For the moment, 22 top candidates have been announced. The European elections will take place on Sunday June 9. You can vote if you are over 18 and registered on the electoral roll.



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