What the CESE recommends to accelerate the socio-economic integration of the 1.5 million young NEETs

What the CESE recommends to accelerate the socio-economic integration of the 1.5 million young NEETs
What the CESE recommends to accelerate the socio-economic integration of the 1.5 million young NEETs

CESE headquarters in Rabat. Credit: The Desk

The phenomenon of young people in a NEET situation (neither in employment, nor in education, nor in training) 1.5 million young Moroccans between 15 and 24 years old, on the fringes of the education/training system and the labor market, said the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Ahmed Reda Chami

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) recommended, Wednesday in Rabat, the adoption of an integrated approach to accelerate the socio-economic integration of young people in NEET situations (neither in employment, nor in education, nor Training).

Presenting the results of the EESC opinion entitled “Young NEETs: What prospects for socio-economic inclusion? » in the presence of representatives of ministerial departments and public establishments, national and international bodies and civil society organizations, the President of the Council, Ahmed Reda Chami, underlined that the problem of social and economic integration of young people raises a growing interest in the major orientations of the public policy of the State, noting that it has been highlighted on numerous occasions in the royal speeches, in addition to appearing among the strategic orientations of the new development model and as an objective transversal in the measures announced in the government program (2021-2026).

Developed as part of a participatory approach, this opinion is a continuation of the work carried out by the Council on youth issues with emphasis on so-called NEET young people, a particularly vulnerable category who endure multiple forms of exclusion, by staying away from the education system, vocational training and the labor market, he said.

The three ruptures observed

It concerns 1.5 million young Moroccans between 15 and 24 years old, on the fringes of the education/training system and the job market, said Chami, noting that this category risks being confronted with three ruptures in their lives decisive, the first of which concerns school dropouts between the primary and secondary school levels (more than 331,000 students on average each year) mainly due to academic failure and difficulties in accessing educational establishments, particularly in the rural environment, as well as the significant deficit in terms of vocational training provision, to which are added other socio-economic obstacles which amplify the impacts (social, cultural and family constraints, early marriage of girls, work of children, disability, etc.).

The second break occurs during the transition from the education system to the job market where first-time job seekers, who constitute nearly 6 out of 10 unemployed, are faced with several constraints, led by the inadequacy of training with the needs of the labor market and the still limited effectiveness of employment intermediation services, he explained, adding that other factors such as gender discrimination and the burden of domestic tasks particularly penalize women which represent approximately 73% of NEETs.

The third takes place between two jobs, following a loss of employment due to the vagaries of the economic situation and the fragility of the entrepreneurial fabric or to a voluntary cessation of the professional career of young people following non-decent working conditions, combined at remuneration levels that are inappropriate for their profiles and skills, he continued.

An integrated approach

On the basis of this diagnosis and with a view to resolving this phenomenon and accelerating the socio-economic integration of this category of young people, Chami indicated that the CESE recommends the adoption of an integrated approach based on five axes, the first of which concerns the strengthening of the identification and monitoring capacities of young NEETs through the creation of a national information system with a regional version for the identification and monitoring of their courses, which brings together cross-referenced data from multiple sources (RSU, statistics relating to the sectors involved, etc.).
It is also, he said, the establishment of a broader ecosystem to welcome and direct young NEETs towards personalized options meeting their specific needs, by developing a dense network of reception points , listening and guidance extending across all local authorities and governed by a unified charter which would specify the roles, activities and distribution of responsibilities between the different actors involved.

According to him, it will also be a question of improving the quality and effectiveness of integration services and programs for young NEETs, by facilitating their reintegration into the education or training system, by improving their employability and by assisting them in finding jobs. employment opportunities while establishing appropriate contractual arrangements with the private sector or the third sector, in addition to pre- and post-business creation support.

The CESE also recommends the implementation of preventive measures to prevent new categories of young people from finding themselves in a NEET situation, by guaranteeing the effectiveness of compulsory schooling up to 16 years of age, by putting in place the necessary retention and reintegration measures, with extensive involvement of parents and relevant stakeholders at the local level by generalizing community schools in rural areas, while ensuring that they strengthen their equipment and extend the coverage of school transport services and by strengthening the public offer of vocational training in rural areas, by adapting specializations to the needs of each region and each territory.

Finally, it will involve establishing a governance framework, characterized by optimal coherence and complementarity between the various programs, as well as continuous and effective coordination between the different stakeholders concerned. Chami also noted that for the development of this opinion, the CESE initiated a citizen consultation through the Ouchariko platform, the number of interactions having reached 35,396, including 1,266 responses and 188 comments on its networks social.

Sharing the main conclusions of this consultation, he specified that 83% of respondents declared having several young NEETs in their entourage, 61% believe that young people in urban areas are the main ones concerned, 60% consider that NEETs are young people non-graduates, 75% point out the difficulties inherent in professional integration and the absence of job opportunities, 60% consider that dropping out of school leads to this situation, while 78% are unaware of the existence of public programs or civil society initiatives intended to support this category of young people.

In terms of actions to be taken to facilitate the social and professional integration of young NEETs, 67% of respondents placed the establishment of an integrated public policy targeting this category at the top of their responses, 64% recommend supporting the entrepreneurship and self-employment, while for 35% of respondents, it is appropriate to promote their integration through the arts and sports.

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