This is what you absolutely need to do when your smartphone is running out of storage

This is what you absolutely need to do when your smartphone is running out of storage
This is what you absolutely need to do when your smartphone is running out of storage

Having a smartphone that lacks storage space can be a major Source of frustration…

Content designed and offered by Le Figaro Services . The editorial staff of Le Figaro did not participate in the production of this article.

Applications that close suddenly, incessant error messages, inability to take photos or videos… The consequences of a smartphone with memory saturation are numerous. Fortunately, there are quick and easy solutions to this problem.

1. Identify the causes of lack of space

Before taking drastic measures, it is essential to understand what is consuming the most space on your smartphone. For this, most operating systems (Android, iOS) have a dedicated tool to analyze storage.

In general, downloaded photos, videos, applications and music are the main culprits in taking up space. However, other things can also play a role, such as temporary files, application caches and SMS/MMS.

2. Free up space by deleting unnecessary files

Once the causes have been identified, it is time to take action. Start by deleting files that you no longer need or can easily store elsewhere.

  • Photos and videos: Sort your photos and videos and delete the blurry, duplicate or unnecessary ones. You can also store them on a computer or a cloud service like Google Photos or iCloud.
  • Applications: Uninstall apps you no longer use. Don’t forget to also delete the data associated with these apps to free up even more space.
  • Music and podcasts: If you have downloaded music or podcasts, delete the ones you no longer listen to. You can also stream them instead to avoid storing them on your device.
  • Other files: Check your Downloads, Documents, and Pictures folders to remove unnecessary files.

3. Additional Tips for Optimizing Storage Space

In addition to deleting unnecessary files, there are several tips to optimize your smartphone’s storage space:

  • Store photos and videos on a cloud: As mentioned earlier, cloud services like Google Photos or iCloud allow you to store your photos and videos online, freeing up space on your device.
  • Enable automatic storage of photos in the cloud: Most photo apps offer an option to automatically store your photos in the cloud as soon as they are taken. Activate this option to avoid saturating the internal memory of your smartphone.
  • Use a microSD card: If your smartphone allows it, you can add a microSD card to expand its storage space. This solution is particularly useful for smartphones with limited internal storage space.
  • Delete old SMS and MMS: SMS and MMS can also consume space, especially if you tend to accumulate messages. Set your smartphone to automatically delete older messages.
  • Clear app caches: App caches can build up over time and take up valuable space. Clear your application caches regularly to free up space.
  • Reset the smartphone (as a last resort): If none of the above solutions work, you can consider resetting your smartphone to its factory settings. Please note, this operation will erase all your data, so be sure to back it up first.

By following these tips, you should be able to free up storage space on your smartphone and get a high-performance device again. Remember to get into a good file management habit to avoid running out of space in the future.

As a bonus:

  • Useful apps: There are many apps that can help you identify large files and free up storage space on your smartphone. Some of the most popular ones include SD Maid (Android) and PhoneClean (iOS).
  • Photo tips:
    • Reduce the size of your photos before storing them on your smartphone.
    • Use a more efficient compression format, like JPEG instead of PNG.
    • Remove unnecessary metadata from your photos.

Content designed and offered by Le Figaro Services . The editorial staff of Le Figaro did not participate in the production of this article.

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