RC : “I’m back, stronger than ever”, Kevin Danso ready to play again

RC : “I’m back, stronger than ever”, Kevin Danso ready to play again
RC Lens: “I’m back, stronger than ever”, Kevin Danso ready to play again

Absent from the session this Friday morning, Kevin Danso nevertheless had a smile as he passed through the Gaillette hall. It is now official: the Austrian international will be able to resume competition, in October as planned.

“See you on the ground!” »

He announced it himself on his social networks, publishing a medical press release with the diagnosis of London specialists, Professor Sanjay Sharma and Dr. Magdi Saba of the Cleveland Clinic: “ A thorough and comprehensive study of Kevin’s heart detected no damage to the heart muscle or nerve abnormalities that could lead to or contribute to the development of dangerous arrhythmias. Based on the available data, we consider him fit to play competitive football “. And Danso concludes: “ Enough said. Thank God. I’m back, stronger than ever. Meet on the ground. Kevin. »

Failed at medical examination on August 29 by Roma who had detected a heart problem, that all the exams taken in but also under the aegis of the Austrian federation had not detected, the player obtained a unanimous green light from the specialists consulted, in France as in London, after extensive examinations, again last Friday in the English capital.

He would thus not have not undergone this light intervention intended to reabsorb a lesion announced for a time by the Austrian press but an in-depth exploration.

Return “very soon”

If he is still out of on Sunday, Danso, who has not played a match since August 25, against , will be able to play again quickly: apart from this week, he had indeed resumed training. All he will miss is the rhythm of the competition. And given his physical form, it shouldn’t be too long.

RC communicated in the wake of its player: “After a multitude of in-depth examinations by world-renowned medical experts, the potential uncertainties have been completely resolved. Kevin Danso is fit for a return to competition. The artesian rock, which has maintained daily training, will return to the lawns very soon. »It will be after the international break.



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