Ménigoute. Bois-Pouvreau on the council’s menu

Ménigoute. Bois-Pouvreau on the council’s menu
Ménigoute. Bois-Pouvreau on the council’s menu

The mayor of the commune, Didier Gaillard, reported on the first meeting of the territory’s elected officials on the Bois-Pouvreau site itself, during the municipal council, Friday May 3.

All the communes of the former Menigoutais canton were represented except one. Around thirty people participated in this gathering. A complete overview of the file was carried out: fishing, fishery, restaurant, mill, campsite.

All the municipalities recognized the usefulness of preserving the sitereported Didier Gaillard. In the meantime, we must not let it deteriorate. There is a lot of work to be done.

The first action undertaken will consist of securing various constructions, in particular the fishing pontoons. This activity should resume this summer. The involvement of the different municipalities has not yet been defined. That of Ménigoute intends to offer its counterparts a schedule for maintenance. It must take into account the number of inhabitants of each municipality and their distance from the site agreed the elected officials.

Anaerobic digestion, motion of support, hedges…

Several other files were studied during this municipal council.

Methanization. The council was asked to give its opinion on the installation of a methanization site on a farm in the town. However, it turns out that this installation has been in operation for several months. All authorizations have been issued. This approach disconcerted elected officials: The State authorized the worknoted the elected officials, it doesn’t come from the project leader. This is a big lack of consideration. We should have been consulted in advance. No response was given. But concern has been expressed about the heavy vehicles linked to this installation which will circulate in the sector.

Motion of support. The City voted for a motion of support for Chiché and Amailloux. These two municipalities, and other neighboring communities, suffer greatly from olfactory nuisances generated by the landfill managed by the Suez-Hervé group. The nuisance also seriously affects domestic animals, who hide as best they can. I suggest that you strongly support this motion.insisted the mayor. This could also have happened in Ménigoute a few years ago. We do not know the consequences of these nuisances in terms of cancer or fetal malformation. The motion was passed unanimously.

Classification of hedges. After a long debate, the elected officials decided to prepare a deliberation which will be put to a vote at the June meeting.



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