The Tories pay the high price for Brexit

The Tories pay the high price for Brexit
The Tories pay the high price for Brexit

Published on May 3, 2024 at 7:25 p.m. / Modified on May 4, 2024 at 11:22.

In the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party once again suffered a resounding defeat in local elections. Since taking the reins of the Tories after the disastrous episode of Liz Truss who spent only 49 days at 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has failed to stop the spiral of failure: under his reign, the conservatives lost further ground.

Beyond the mediocrity of political personnel, the Tories are paying the high price of a Brexit whose consequences continue to undermine the proper functioning of the country. Since leaving the European Union took effect (January 1, 2021), the British economy has suffered a loss of 140 billion pounds (159 billion francs) and some 2 million jobs. London alone saw 30 billion evaporate and 300,000 jobs go by the wayside. If the course of events does not change by 2025, the economic loss represented by Brexit could amount to 300 billion pounds. The purchasing power of the British is in sharp decline. Administrative hassles with the EU considerably complicate trade, putting many SMEs in difficulty.

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