a truck overturns and loses its entire load of wheat

a truck overturns and loses its entire load of wheat
a truck overturns and loses its entire load of wheat


Carine Robinault

Published on

Oct. 1 2024 at 6:45 p.m

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The accident may seem impressive; however, he did not cause any injuries. A driver lost control of his truck this Tuesday, October 1, 2024 afternoon, shortly before 4 p.m., in the town of Lavaré ().

The heavy goods vehicle, which crossed a vehicle, had to bite the mast on its route between Vibraye and Saint-Maixent, near the place called “Les Biches”, departmental road 385.

Road prohibited while waiting for the truck lift company

The man then lost control of his truck, whose trailer, filled with wheat, rolled onto its side, before the cabin crashed into an EDF pole.

Traffic is completely cut off on the axis, while waiting for the lifting company, which is due to arrive from . And the EDF line was cut during the operation.

Supportive neighbors

On site, around the firefighters of the emergency centers of Saint-, Tuffé Val de la Chéronne, La Ferté-Bernard, Saint-Maixent, Vibraye and Connerré, it is the solidarity of neighbors which is being put in place. One of the residents returned to his home to get shovels, the lifting company requiring that the truck be emptied before putting it back on wheels.

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