“Ensuring justice, no matter how much time has passed”: 32 years later, rape case solved thanks to DNA

“Ensuring justice, no matter how much time has passed”: 32 years later, rape case solved thanks to DNA
“Ensuring justice, no matter how much time has passed”: 32 years later, rape case solved thanks to DNA

This evening in May 1992, this mother put her three children to bed then fell asleep in her room in Norfolk, Virginia (United States). When a man armed with a knife climbs the facade and enters the house through the window of one of the children’s bedrooms. He rapes the sleeping mother. The victim files a complaint, her attacker’s DNA is taken but turns up nothing and the case is gradually forgotten. Until an incredible twist of theater: thirty-two years later, a 56-year-old man was identified, report the American media.

As part of the Saki program (National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative), which has financed the analysis of clues in unsolved sexual violence cases since 2016, the genetic clues taken in 1992 were retested in 2022. Bingo, one name stands out: that of Lorenzo Gay, reports a press release from the Virginia prosecutor.

Contacted again in 2023, the victim said she did not know the suspect and certainly did not have a consensual sexual relationship with him, contrary to what the fifty-year-old’s defense team tried to make the jurors believe.

Raped in front of her children

Vernon Lorenzo Gay pleaded not guilty and requested a trial rather than a deal with the prosecution. During the hearing, it was recalled during the trial that when she was attacked, the mother was sleeping with one of her children, while another was in his cradle in the same room.

“He’s a very, very good person. Good father. Good friend. Good worker. Good uncle. Good brother,” assured one of Vernon’s relatives Lorenzo Gay, quoted by WFIN radio.

However, in less than two hours, the jury, which tried the rapist last Wednesday, found him guilty of rape and armed burglary with intent to commit rape.

“Today’s verdict brings much-needed comfort and closure to this unresolved case,” said Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyare, emphasizing the unwavering commitment of local and state law enforcement. to guarantee justice, whatever time has passed. » The sentence Vernon Lorenzo Gay will receive will be announced on December 20.



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