An association broadcasts live scuba dives

An association broadcasts live scuba dives
An association broadcasts live scuba dives

The association En direct sous la mer, created by two brothers from Grand-Motto, Vincent and Guillaume Guidotti, is an innovative project which offers live underwater animal reports. Spectators virtually dive below the surface of the water and thus discover the beauty and diversity of the Mediterranean seabed. “My brother and I have always been diving since we were little. We followed a marine biology course in Cherbourg. The turning point came when our grandmother moved into a retirement home. We wanted her to participate in our dives live”says Vincent Guidotti, professional hydrographer.

Each broadcast is led by a team of biologists whose objective is to raise awareness about the protection of marine ecosystems. “The bottoms of the Gulf of Aigues-Mortes are endemic to the region because the water is rich in nutrients. White gorgonians, crustaceans, seahorses, sea sponges, red coral but also bioluminescent species of the cephalopod family, all come back near the surface to feed on these nutrients”continues Vincent Guidotti.

Services on request

Thanks to a wired sound and video transmission system, a host diver immerses at depths varying from 3 to 40 meters and guides spectators. Accompanied by a camera diver, he captures every moment of his journey. Real-time interaction with the viewer connected to the live streaming platform. Via video calls, the latter can ask questions live to the diver or marine biologist and receive instant answers. The association provides services on request in schools, retirement homes and social structures. Membership in the association is free. The public will be able to meet its members during the Underwater Festival on October 12 at the convention center.

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