A giant escape game returns to Chartres on Sunday May 5

A giant escape game returns to Chartres on Sunday May 5
A giant escape game returns to Chartres on Sunday May 5

The Odysseum company returns to Chartres, Sunday May 5, 2024, with a life-size escape game in the heart of the city. A second edition after the one which was organized in November.

The players in the escape game offered by Odysseum return on Sunday May 5, after passing through Chartres in November. The giant escape game then brought together 253 participants in the streets of the city. The life-size escape game occurs on average in “48 cities each month and carries out around 250 events each year. We have an average of 180 players per escape game, relates Baptiste Gagnaire, founder of Odysseum.

We were very well received in Chartres by the participants. So we wanted to start again by coming up with a new scenario.”

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An investigation against conspiracy theorists

“Every month, we have new scenarios that all evolve in the same universe,” he adds. For this new episode from Chartres, “the investigation will focus on conspiracists who try to go against the great and powerful of this world”.

Players will play as activists of the Tsunami agency and will fight against the “Twilight Brotherhood” to “try to bring down lieutenants and approach the head of this conspiratorial organization”.
Part of the investigation will be done digitally with a website, but also objects that the players will have in their possession.

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A city tour

The game takes place in an urban universe, the investigation will lead the participants to move around the city on a 3.5 km course. They will have to meet people involved in the investigation, actors and facilitators of the escape game, to gather information, put forward hypotheses and advance their investigation. Depending on the level of the players, the escape game generally lasts between one and two hours.

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Practical. Sunday May 5, from 1:30 p.m. Playable from two people.
Prices. €19.99 for adults, €5 for young people between 10 and 16 years old, free for children under 10 years old.
More information on: https://www.theodysseum.fr/

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Thomas Desprez



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